
Actually, my dad would totally by this as a shop truck and beat the living shit out of it. And he wouldn’t care at all. It is in good shape, but as you hinted at, I think it’s value as a workhorse is probably greater than any collectible value. I give it a NP because I feel like it’s still got enough life left to take

I see the vinyl roof and think “in for a penny, in for a pound.” NP.

F.  A Rolls Royce on Craigslist. 

You can find a nice first or second generation Lightning, which is a true high performance pickup of the era for what they’re asking for this.

Yeah, if I’d seen this, I would have just assumed the decals were custom...applied by someone with no taste. If I wanted to drive around blasting Whitesnake with a girl whose hair was permed up to the size of a lion’s mane, then...probably still ND.

Apparently, the working conditions were bad enough for the entire crew to walk off the job without notice. Getting fired was not punishment in the least.

Come on, it’s a classic. Not to be mistaken for anything else. It’s iconic. Some New Finish and new springs to get the rear end back up where it belongs and you have a ride that will be noticed.

Between the fact that it was probably Grandpa’s car, and that it was in storage that long (he probaby died or lost the storage or current owner doesn’t want to pay for it as a result of either), I’d say it’s safe from rust. I’d check of course, but this seems like the ideal situation given the location.

I prefer the look of the coupe on these, but I have read that they are cramped-feeling inside, and the buttresses create large blind spots. As a result, I am taking a rare, pro-convertible stance. I think this would be a nice cruiser, with the 6-speed allowing you to tap into the engine sound at will, instead of

Are we going to talk about this?

You’re forgetting this is a British car, Quality finish and electrics are in no way their strong suit.

The seller says:

It’s a bird

I voted ND. The shell is in decent shape and would be a good place to start, but sourcing all of the bespoke missing parts (including the tailgate) would be “challenging”, to put it mildly.

I truly don’t know how to vote on this.

The last ones to sell for this kind of money were in 2022 in peak market, though they were admittedly in similar condition. I think there’s a time when the owner could have gotten $28k but those days are behind us.

I agree. I rented one in ‘86 and it was a dream. I’ve recently purchased a wrecked '11 E89 Z4, where I traveled to see, and transport back. This was by far harder to make sure I could repair than an older more analog vehicle. If after inspection of the vehicle, it checks out, then this is a very viable vehicle. From

It would be just fine for a first time driver and the related parts bins cars at junk yards are plentiful.

The cheap plastic and the bouncy BONG-BONG-BONG interior GM chime of the era are palpable.

Rob, that Buick is a beaut. I remember these cars. Dad had one for a while. Rode like a cloud on the freeway. The Sunday crowd thought it was a little “too much” with the luxurious grille and chrome alloys. They dont make em like they used to. Why doesn’t the fella list this in the Sunday Classifieds so I can call him