A documented Hurst/Olds or 442 is still pretty cool but any Cutlass with a bench seat and column shifter needs to be left at home.
A documented Hurst/Olds or 442 is still pretty cool but any Cutlass with a bench seat and column shifter needs to be left at home.
Overall, I’m going to say the SE needs to have developers stop planning their cities and suburbs and put in a government designed transportation structure than more efficiently flows traffic. Instead, we get new subdivisions that have one entrance/exit onto a 2 lane road and once it fills up the roads get clogged up.
There seem to be an inordinate number of people who seem to have the smarts or ability or whatever it takes to make a lot of money, but no corresponding skills on what to do with it.
Yeah, I couldn’t decide if “life took an unexpected turn”, or “I want something else new and shiny now”, or“wow, I didn’t realize the payments were gonna be this high!”, or otherwise why someone would get an expensive car, kit it out the way they wanted it (for even more expense), then a year later, go “nah”.
By my figuring, $17,500 is about 115 nights at a Hampton Inn, after which you’d still have your wife, the respect of your neighbors, and your sanity. ND.
Nope. Not even for free.
If this had a V-6, it would be on a BHPH lot for $4999. Is the engine worth $10k? No.
Good luck getting a Viper worth having at that price.
Sure is moving fast and breaking stuff
I was about to make a joke about hiding the plates when the VIN is viewable to all, but he’s made up the VIN. And that’s enough for me to say that I’m just not interested in working with this seller. ND.
Pretty much. Looks like it could be, I don’t know, a Nissan?
Agreed: these are gorgeous. Best looking of the Merc Coupes, with a real ‘presence’ out on the road. Optimistic (naive?) NP: that’s a lot of car for $7500.
I’m surprised that an ‘89 Buick still used a carburetor and not fuel injection. I could see an econobox from this model year still using a carb, not a mid range car.
It’s kind of disposable at this point in its life.
Since it’s Hertz, call the police on them.
Never, and please post the seller’s address so we can all rally over there with our pitchforks and torches.
My logic was that someone would want this car, and if they did it’s a NP. I love the interior. I’m not too fond of the styling, but love that it’s clean and mint green. It probably drives like crap, but if you aren’t in a rush who cares. I’m sure I could find a gray over gray one close by with a bit of rust for $1500.…
I used to own a 2004 Mazda6 wagon and loved the hell out of it, and I started it with high mileage (174k) and drove it to the ground at 239,xxx miles, so I believe these have the durability to keep going.
This would probably be fine for a “kid’s first car to drive back and forth to school because we don’t care what happens to it,” but not at that price. Volvo or not, it’s still a 38-year-old, non-collectible car.