
My new, retro WWE pseudonym is now Sid Viscous.

It’s not gone. The listing expired, probably due to it being priced a bit too high.

that’s called ‘period correct’.  The 80's were just that way.

I think it’s a fair personal concern. The environment doesn’t like soot. LA doesn’t like smog. This is an ‘85, emission standards can’t be that great. Probably smells bad just to be around.

I’d be a lot more concerned about the pickups that intentionally roll coal that at eye level than a hint of soot from an old merc.

Not sure how I feel about spewing soot from an old diesel into the atmosphere in this day and age.

I will lump this car in with used Chargers, Challengers, Camaros, and Mustangs:  There’s a high probability it was beaten like a rented mule. ND.

It’s probably no better or worse than a Factory 5 Cobra or a Caterham/ Ariel Atom, but I do agree with your post though. Also, I didn’t realize they made under 200 of these, though I imagine the market for something like this is next to nonexistent.

Funny you mention that, my first thought was, that’s just a Caprice. It also gives me minor flashbacks to Buford T. Justice’s Bonneville.

Maybe a NP if I could have seen the engine bay and a picture of the original parts box; which included the original rims and steering wheel.

I wonder how many extra millions, if not billions, have to be spent just because Trump wants to go everywhere but DC.

I’m with you.

Would most folks find their ~8500 dollar purchase worth protecting to the extent that they wouldn’t do truck-y things? Just asking; I’d be inclined to think not, but I’ve never owned anything truck-y-er than a mid-Aughts base model Outlander that I was happy to beat up on rare occasions so I wouldn’t know.

Actually, my dad would totally by this as a shop truck and beat the living shit out of it. And he wouldn’t care at all. It is in good shape, but as you hinted at, I think it’s value as a workhorse is probably greater than any collectible value. I give it a NP because I feel like it’s still got enough life left to take

I see the vinyl roof and think “in for a penny, in for a pound.” NP.

F.  A Rolls Royce on Craigslist. 

You can find a nice first or second generation Lightning, which is a true high performance pickup of the era for what they’re asking for this.

Yeah, if I’d seen this, I would have just assumed the decals were custom...applied by someone with no taste. If I wanted to drive around blasting Whitesnake with a girl whose hair was permed up to the size of a lion’s mane, then...probably still ND.

Apparently, the working conditions were bad enough for the entire crew to walk off the job without notice. Getting fired was not punishment in the least.

Come on, it’s a classic. Not to be mistaken for anything else. It’s iconic. Some New Finish and new springs to get the rear end back up where it belongs and you have a ride that will be noticed.