Not sure how I feel about spewing soot from an old diesel into the atmosphere in this day and age. But I wouldn’t judge the person who wants it, and there should be plenty at this price. NP.
Not sure how I feel about spewing soot from an old diesel into the atmosphere in this day and age. But I wouldn’t judge the person who wants it, and there should be plenty at this price. NP.
Yeah, not even necessarily a knock on the previous owner. If it was driven as intended, it’s seen some hard use.
Seems like pa-ing through the noz for a different way to die.
If you weren’t alive back then, it may be hard to grasp what a thunderclap this design was at the time. Visually speaking, it was a bit like the arrival of the Taurus just a decade later. Of course, GM let the downsized B-bodies–especially the Caprice/Impala–steal the Seville’s thunder the very next year.
That’s another way to look at it, but I think the person thinking along these lines will be hard to find. And the color combo on this one narrows the field even more.
There’s almost no price that makes sense for cars like this; for something that costs so much new, they seem remarkably disposable once the glow wears off. If you’re wealthy enough to bear the cost of ownership, you probably want to lease something new or buy something collectable. If you’re buying this because depreci…
This is all kinds of lovely–the color is fantastic, and I never fully appreciated the steelies on these. But not quite close enough to perfect for the money. Sad ND.
For all the reasons in your first paragraph, I went ND. And I agree, that’s an absolutely awful color. I also don’t love the Fuchs wheels in this; they say ’70s while the car is screaming ’80s.
They’ve been pretty active over the town where I lived for 30 years, which is close-ish to Bedminster. People I know have seen them at fairly close range.
Do a Google image search on his name, compare what you find with the pics from NYPD. It’s 100% him.
This one hits me the same way yesterday’s Marquis did: almost too nice for its own good. Kudos to the owner, but whoever buys this will feel bad using it for truck-y things. And is it now, or will it ever be, collectable? ND.
I know how much we love Panthers, but they long ago reached the point in their arc where they’re mostly cheap, simple, spacious transportation. If you want to keep yours in showroom condition, good on ya, but don’t expect to recover your investment in maintenance.
If those floor mats are a better look than what’s underneath, I don’t want to know what’s underneath. As has already been said, too rough for the money. ND.
Taking their word for it that the top is white (looks blue to me), I went NP. But I'm sure sharper eyes than mine that aren't viewing this on a phone will catch everything that's wrong.
Judging from the surroundings, I’d say it’s already where it belongs. ND.
A. Ugly
If you really want one–I’m not judging–this might be your last chance to get one that’s not a fright pig...if you can find another at all. NP.
A so-so decal package that only a few people (not me) remember adds exactly zero value. So you’re left with a nicely kitted, well-preserved old truck. That’s nice, but not $19K nice. ND.
Since these were built in large numbers and we have the internet and international shipping and all, parts might not be quite the problem you would expect. But sooner or later, something is going to be unobtainium. It’s cool, but I feel like there’s a very small market for this. ND
I would love to know the backstory. This sounds like some kind of collective employment suicide pact. How horrible must it have been to work there?