
Slow clap for the owner. Well done, and it could have a shocking amount of life left in it. But I feel like at this point, there are two choices: Keep driving toward some even more stratospheric mileage that gets you written up somewhere or an official pat on the head from the factory. Or let it go for maybe half this

I saw a slim chance for this, not for me but for the right LR cultist. Then the r-word came up. Nope, never, a thousand NDs.

Worth checking underneath, but presumably it wasn’t driven much or at all in winter. The miles would seem to bear this out. Assuming it checks out, easy NP. Those seats look inviting.

Or they carry their scars deeper inside.

NP as long as you’re clear that this is for adventures you take on alone, or with someone who really won’t drive you crazy. Or maybe you just bring it to shows and C&C to stand out from all the Mustangs and such.

A co-worker had one of these back in the day, and I have never been less envious of someone else’s car. In hindsight, I marvel that he drove it probably 25 miles from PA to NJ on I-78 every day. Or maybe he took back roads...

It pains me to ever ND one of these, but between the respray and the niggles around the provenance, my spidey senses are tingling.

As grayscale interiors go, this is pretty nice. Something about the upholstery carrying over to the door cards makes me happy. Not for that reason, easiest NP we’ve have in a while.

I much prefer the convertible XJS; the flying buttress roof just never worked for me. Lovely car, but I have to wonder if it was in an accident at some point. In addition to the trunk lid, the hood fit looks a little wonky on the driver’s side. And the headlight yellowing is noticeably uneven. Was one of them

As they used to say at the conclusion of Underdog, looks like this is the end. To the crusher with it. ND.

You keep alternating between Country and County, but I think the latter fits, as this represents some very modest aspirations. The price is more grandiose. ND.

I was all NP until that last pic. What's with the saggy bumper?

As long as you’re ready for the inevitable eye-watering upkeep costs, this looks good to go. NP.

If you really, really need just anything that moves under its own power and your budget is $5K or less, I guess you could roll the dice on this. NP if it’s not actively leaking and doesn’t spew blue smoke or something when you turn the key, but this screams “stopgap car.”

That’s before you consider the hundreds of thousands billions of dollars worth of damage caused along the storm’s path.

If you keep it far from road salt or significant moisture, the rust should be a slow burn. And the interior looks nice. But I wouldn’t want to drive around in (or have to explain) somebody else’s joke. I’d want to restore it, and for that, the price of entry needs to be far less.

Finally, a camper for The Weeknd.

It would be funny if an E30 of all things produced the first-ever 100% ND vote. At any rate, we may set a record here.

Based on their business model, I would not trust any decision the brothers Powell made. And this is definitely a case where people’s eyes would glaze over before you finished explaining it at the local show or C&C. Hard ND.

That’s kind of the problem. Its collector value is...not this. And its usefulness is limited. It’s like a super-clean Hilux, begging to be used, but you don’t want to risk it.