To get anywhere close to this price, it should be just about perfect. It’s very, very good, but not perfect. It’s also got a lot of miles left, but where would you DD it without worrying that a brodozer will run over you and not even notice? ND.
To get anywhere close to this price, it should be just about perfect. It’s very, very good, but not perfect. It’s also got a lot of miles left, but where would you DD it without worrying that a brodozer will run over you and not even notice? ND.
Back in the day, I suppose it put Porsche ownership within reach for buyers who couldn’t quite swing a 944. Today, it’s just a heap of compromises. ND.
There are very few automotive designs that have such a visceral effect on me. And this wears the red so, so well. A nest of raccoons in the driver’s footwell might get me to hit ND, but I don’t see any of the little burglars in there. So, NP.
If you lived in the middle of nowhere with limited inventory and you needed a cheap-ish ride, maybe you’d shrug and settle for this. But in Seattle? There have to be less embarrassing things to be seen in.
This is one of those cars that’s interesting mainly for its novelty to U.S. buyers. Even in this condition, that doesn’t get you $35K. And while you probably wouldn’t be hauling stuff around in it, don’t those speakers ruin the utility of the hatch area? ND.
NP, but gahhh, the sea of cheap gray plastic. Also, you’d want to do something about that right side mirror.
If you knowingly buy a fake Rolex for one-fifth the price of a real Rolex, you’re still a sucker. ND.
Somebody will spring for it, so NP, but it wouldn’t be me, because ’80s Diesel technology. I don’t care about it being slow, but our air doesn’t need this.
‘68-72 GM A-body coupes. Enough already. Maybe a Skylark gets a pass, as they’re less common.
I’ve been to Texas four times over a span of 38 years, but it was on my latest visit in March, to the DFW area, that the chaos of it really struck me. The absence of urban planning is truly breathtaking. It’s like a developing country with exponentially more money for everyone to fling around building whatever they…
Mayyybe if the top didn’t look like the worst tent at the Boy Scout Jamboree...but even then, probably no.
This is a true head-scratcher. You’ve had this maybe a year, poured $50K of mods into it, and now you’re selling it on CL? Somebody’s life took an unexpected turn. Unfortunately, they’re now left to thread a needle in finding the right price for the right buyer, if those two things intersect anywhere. ND.
As long as you go in with both options in mind–project car or part it out–NP.
NP, perhaps a little irrational. If this were some tired-looking barge with lots of little unobtanium bits missing, I would be smashing ND. But just look at the condition of this thing. Where will you find another?
“So help me, one step closer and I will close the frunk!”
Senior year in high school, I was in a 70-something Impala on the Garden State Parkway, heading down the shore with three friends who also weren’t going to the prom that night. The driver apparently understand how this aircraft thing worked, because when we hit the white line painted across the roadway, we all almost…
There’s a certain slab-sided boxiness that seems to put some old SUVs into the sought-after stratosphere. For the Montero, you’d need to go back at least one generation to get that look. For under $10K, this one could be a great bargain family truckster, but ND at nearly $13K.
60 votes and 100% CP. Could today be the day?
All things considered, it would be easier and cheaper know...pack a tent in the back of your regular car. ND.
These always looked OK to me–not lustworthy but in line with the original Infiniti aesthetic, except for the Camry-like rear. Seems like a pretty nice ride for the money. NP.