False hope in March is the tootsie roll center of Jets fandom.
False hope in March is the tootsie roll center of Jets fandom.
About a minute before the GIF you see above, referee Michael Oliver gave Manchester United's Ángel Di María a yellow…
You forget the most import flaw of the MacBook: It has one fucking USB-C that doubles as a charger and needs adapters.
You know what was awesome? Yesterday. Yesterday was the first Daylight Savings day of the year, and the first…
What I'm getting out of this is that no one really paid that much attention to this stuff until someone in the Ravens organization, having been called out by the Patriots quarterback, trolled the NFL by bringing something the everyone knows (or should know) that balls inflated to the minimum pressure in the official's…
Its on!
I love Gronk and think he gets a pretty fair shake in general; even when his act wears thin, as it inevitably will, I think the public will probably let him down easily. For the reasons you mention: he seems like at least a passably decent human being.
A word of caution, passers-by: You're not just taking a selfie with Gronk. You're taking a selfie with everyone he's ever taken a selfie with in the past.
Is it ok to like Gronk? At least he has some personality and seems to enjoy what he's doing. And as far as we know, he hasn't raped/beaten/killed anyone, so that's probably good from an NFL PR standpoint.
Congrats: This now has more stars than the movie had ticket sales.
He has as many rings as Peyton.
Brady is a woo girl.
I think it's adorable that Jimmy Garoppalo was holding a football on the sideline. It's like a tiny little dog playing with the big dog's toy. "I just want to feel included!"
It's cool to both hate the NFL for its ridiculous rules and believe that Josh Gordon is unforgivably stupid, right?
Because what could be more Bill Belichick than having his 5th corner fully prepared for the world's least likely play call?
Teams just do not melt down at that temperature!
I love how Deadspin is making it all about how the Seahawks lost and not how the Patriots took it from them. Biggest 4th quarter comeback in SB history against the "best" defense in football. Deflate that bitches.
At least the football gods still punish moronic play calling.
It was the last thing they patriots would expect! (Because it was terrible)