
Ambient or xanax possibly mixed with alcohol is my guess.

Ambien and alcohol. See it all the time at work.

My youngest sister keeps watching it and cackling. Thinks it’s the best thing she’s ever seen. I, on the other hand, have to run out of the room when she plays it...I cannot take the second hand mortification.

Now playing

Here is my current favorite sad-Browns- video:

Now playing

Pray for all of us sad sack fans. Maybe a little Christmas cheer will help...

Wasn’t Elliott treated at the hospital this week for an injury? I mean, I think the play calling was weak, but it may have been because he was injured.

It’s Urban’s face superimposed over a Jesus with the Sacred Heart. The bottom of the sign reads, “What would Urban do?”

“Connor Cook wears a shirt to swim,” was pretty good too.

Kill it with fire.

“A quick word on the uniform Hayne and his team-mates will be wearing today – it’s not the classic red and gold the 49ers have worn for years, rather they’re in an all-black outfit, with flashes of red, in some kind of nod to the menace of Darth Maul.”

At least I’m not a Jets fan! -Signed, a Browns fan.

“We’re just one top-draft-pick quarterback away from turning it around,” will be on the tombstone of generations of Brown’s fans.

The story of the guy drinking the dragonfly-beer is the most uplifting Cleveland story I ever heard. He’s a Brown’s fan; he needs that beer.

Maryland’s Basketball team finished 2nd in the Big Ten last season and made it into the 3rd round of the NCAA tournament.

Cleveland is 12-8 all time against the Bills.

Seriously, the comments on this article made me want to kick a dog.

The Etsy seller was excellent. Very fast and she’ll customize them to match your colors if you like.

I bought my wedding toppers on etsy for $16, so don’t lose hope. You ccould always just have a red velvet cake in the shape of a bride. Your guests would be hacking into her all night! (Think Steel Magnolias armadillo cake, but a bride. Ha!)

Several similar in idea to Free at Last and Happily Divorced. Also, many sellers would customize for you, so you could reach out to a few. :-)