
Now Christie's hopping on the Cowboy's Bandwagon? Seems like every year this team finds a new way to collapse.

Johnny College Football

Best defensive play by the Browns all day

Y'all gonna miss out on some real awesome manning face, though

I have two words I'm thinking of right now. The second one is "you".

You're a cunt

Hell of a year JT. Thanks for a great year and heal up soon

Sorry, but this feels like an empty punishment to me. I mean, the Vikings' season ended weeks ago.

If Ohio State wins out, they will be in the playoff. They won't deserve it, but they will be there.

And that's no helmet on his head, that really IS the color of his hair. Never trust the ginger.

The Bible.

(or maybe just a passionate facebook discussion of this article with some of your candy-corn-hating minions)

Yes, a much better statement would be that OSU received preferential treatment, receiving benefits denied to any other school, for something patently wrong... just like what has happened recently in Happy Valley.

Not surprising since people have a tendency to look the other way on the PSU campus

Block us if you want to do something Michigan isn't capable of.

I would, genuinely, love for some Pro-Gamergate person to explain exactly what they're demanding when they ask for "more transparency in gaming journalism" (because, after all, that's what this whole thing is, supposedly, about).

Maybe I'm dumb (probably), but I've been wracking my brain for days trying to figure out

"What's the big deal?" some people say. Liking the Bengals isn't addictive! It's a social thing! Lots of people do it! But I applaud Hawkins for taking a firm stance here. If I caught my child doing it in my home, I'd react the same way. I don't care what the studies say; Cincinnati Bengals fandom is a gateway to

So much for the ass-eating renaissance.

Other than the Buckeyes, those are all Cincinnati foods, not Ohio foods. As we all know, Cincinnati is in Kentucky.

In fairness, as a native of the state, I can tell you that a lot of Ohioans have the same reaction to Skyline.