Flavien Vidal

We’re not in 1985 anymore.... Imagine if British and American cars were stereotypically called out for the stuff they built in the mid-80s?

“Who knew a French car would feel so at home on Japanese mountain roads?”
You need to test my Peugeot 106 S16 ;)

What what what?? This ends with “the larger the hail, the faster it falls”... Do they understand ANYTHING about gravity??

The only thing I pick during my trip is window or aisle seats... I pick window seats because I can use the fuselage as a headrest when I sleep (with a pillow of course). And I pick those seats when I check-in, 30 minutes before passing through security. And yet, people in front of me recline... and I recline too...

If you only fly when your grand mother die, then soldier up and desk with the little space you have... Any other flights you may take are planned a minimum, so please, avoid the grand mother dying which means you can't book a proper seat in advance bullcrap.. 

I’ve been on fairly tight flights within north america when I was living there and it doesn’t change the fact that if everybody reclines and there’s no stubborn idiot who refuses to do it, people are overall more comfortable... And again, I’m 6'2 and roughly 200lbs. If I’m not disturbed by someone reclining in front

In business class, you can lay down nearly 100% and you have way enough space to not even think about disturbing anyone around you... Unless you’re talking about those crappy domestic flights business classes? But if you have a first class if your flights you’re most likely not talking about that... And yes, your work

It’s not great indeed, but still better than sitting up right in a 90 degree position... And this is why pillows and window seat exist. To hold your head as much as possible when sleeping.

It’s all about the general comfort of everyone. Again, most people are more comfortable laying down as much as possible than sitting in an unatural 90 degrees position. And I’m not sure how 12-13h flights are any different to you? They are the same... If you can lay down on a 13h flight, you can surely do the same

So laying down for 13h is acceptable and roomy enough, but it’s suddenly not possible anymore when it’s only 2-3h??

Sorry but you are part of a very tiny minority... I sleep a lot better laying down than sitting up in a 90 degree position and that's the case for a huge majority of people.

I’m 6'2 and don’t understand the problem.... Just freaking recline. The problem doesn’t come from people who recline, it comes from the people who don’t. If everyone recline their seat, everyone has just as much space to stretch their legs and everyone feel more comfortable. When it’s time to eat, hop! Everybody up!

$500 seems expensive :)

The pain threshold is considered to be at 130db... 1000w of sound will produce around 120db. 120db is about what you experience at a rock concert in front of the stage... How it is considered to be “not much” in a car is simply mindboggling to me...
Not to mention that doubling the power usually only allows a gain of

There was no racing involved FYI...

You should do a video walkaround of your collection... I’m in Japan and used to collect older video games too. I’ve sold a big portion of my collection to stick to movies which take enough place as it is, but I’d still love to see what you have...

Why would you want this to America? I live in Japan and I don’t want it here!! Another car for family dads who feel like they’ve lost both of their testicles the day their wife gave birth to a small human looking thing and who want to feel like they still have it, somehow, because STI?? Is that what you want on your

I work as an exporter, based near Osaka... 95% of the cars I sell go to the US, around 80-90 cars a year. The whole importation process is actually pretty easy. Your broker takes care of the biggest part of the process ... As for cost, those numbers are a bit high... Shipping from Japan costs around 6-800$ per car,

I grew up right during that era... I'm 34

I’m not sure... in France it was called “Beverly Hills”. I guess it’s called 90210 in the US?? I’m honestly not even sure :D *checks google - Yep it’s called 90210 only...