Joke does not compute....
Joke does not compute....
Yeah but I’m not american so... we had “Beverly Hills” in France (french name for 90210) but it was the kind of 3pm show everybody laughed at... imagine it dubbed in french too. It’s bad enough in english... but dubbed in french, holy crap....
And you’d be correct to do so lol...
It’s 180kph, which is the threshold in most european places for “heavy speeding” (50kph over 130, the speed limit on many european freeways). SN95 V6 Mustang were also limited to similar speeds... Nobody made a big deal out of it...
I had genuinely no idea who Luke Perry was until today... I also had no idea people were nostalgic of something like 90210.
I have never been anywhere close to falling asleep at the wheel driving any of my cars on long/super long distances... I have had to fight it with rentals after only 2 hours at the wheel though. Manual trans are fairly useless for long distances though, you stick it in high gear and just go most of the time... The…
In a car???? That's dedicated room, home theater kind of power... Not to listen to music while driving.
How high the speakers can go isn’t too important... I’m talking about amp power mostly.
In what world is 2kw of sound in a car “not a lot”?
Those stupid vans and cars blasting techno with 2000 watts worth of speakers are the main reason cops come to kick everyone out... They are honestly a pain in the ass at every spontaneous meets like this in Japan.
You’d be surprised at how little maintenance the RX7 (that I’ve owned for 4 years now) ever needs ;)
Yeah you’ll surely be safer than I am in case of a crash... (I drive a 1985 RX7 and a 1989 Mini with my wife). But I don’t think doing good in crash test is the only thing that makes cars safe. The leading cause of accidents on freeways in France is people falling asleep at the wheel. I can promise you it won’t ever…
A friend of mine, a 6'5 giant with gray hair (he’s in his early 30s but hey...), will come with his Honda Beat... Hit him up if you can! That’s his car when it was still here in Japan:
The Toyota Alphard: The #1 car of the ex-yanki, now sales rep for an exhaust company, living with his 3rd wife, his three kids and his mother, who will tail gate you on the freeway in-spite of the traffic preventing you from changing lanes or doing anything.
Also, x-game athletes do crash and get hurt on a daily basis because they constantly push their limits. This guy is having a walk in the park... Do you think BMX champions constantly wear armors and helmets doing something as “trivial” as a 360 barspin? No they don’t, because they aren’t taking any risk. If you were…
And yet, people ride bicycles with no helmet on a daily basis in the middle of traffic... I find that more dangerous than being alone on a track, in a car, doing something you can do with your eyes closed while wearing crocs but hey, people are shocked by one but not the other... go figure.
That’s what civil societies do... Taking care of its people who get hurt no matter what they do. If you go to a track thinking “oh my, I hope I don’t become to society”, it might be better to stay home and not be interested in cars... Anyone who gets hurt doing something other than through being a productive member of…
Man, not everyone lives in the US, constantly scared of being sued... I live in Japan, this is not how things work here. If you hurt yourself at the track, you hurt yourself at the track. You had to be more careful... A racetrack would never be held responsible for ones own stupidity.
He’s not racing... It’s a track day and they go one by one. Same goes for people riding bikes in jeans and t-shirt... Is it safe? Nope. But do I give a fuck? Nope. If his following, made of people old enough to drive and pay entry fees for track days, is influenced to do the same thing, then it’s just Darwinism…
Well he’s alone... Feel free to go there in a full blown race car if you want, the way he protects himself from crashes won’t affect you... Not all countries have a fear of being sued just for being at a certain place at the wrong time. If he dies doing that, it’s his problem... Would I do it, no. But if he thinks he…