Flavien Vidal

He lost AT LEAST 2s not being able to shift into 6th around 32s in the video...

Wait... a car that can drive itself make people fall asleep?? No way!!! FYI people falling asleep at the wheel in the 2nd cause of death on french freeways. Speed you ask? It’s the 5th cause of death... But hey, let’s make everything more and more boring that will solve things amiright??

I think his main problem is that he is fairly small... with short legs. So he has to be quite close to the steering to reach the pedals comfortably. I’ve never driven a GT6 but I fit alright in Spitfires and I’m 6'2 and nearly 200lbs.

“Tuned”..... “Built”..........

Haha no but I live in Japan though :)

It committed sepoku after noticing who its owner was... Understandable.

I have the same problem here with a road on Mount Rokko... Full fledge racetrack for bikes... Makes it real sketchy at times as there’s ZERO place to go around a car stopped on the side of the road due to the lack of visibility.

Yeah.... How unfair... Hahaha

Have you broken down yet? If not, when do you think you will?

They are really good movies... I wish they kept the “wtf are speed limits??” spirit of the first one but they are still fun to watch nonetheless

the joy of having a black cat... camera can’t freaking focus on it properly... yes, i have a black cat too :)

It’s not... It’s as fast as a Miata which still makes 0-60 in under 10s. Power isn't everything. The funnest cars to drive aren't 500hp.

Preparing classes, correcting copies and so on, 1h spent at school means an extra hour or more preparing everything... And there are teachers and teachers... Lots of teachers are paid a lot less than that, they are the ones who complain and for good reasons...

You’re not wrong but... Reason I stick to old cars as dailies (1985 turbo Sa22c rx7 and 1989 Rover Mini) is because modern and by extend safer cars bore me to death... I don’t feel in anyway sleepy driving those two for hours... Put me in a 2015 BMW or in a Prius and I feel bored and sleepy real quick. I honestly

Vehicles are in good condition here, but the safety inspection is more of a joke than anything. Driver training is thorough, but mostly done on closed road... Then third problem cones from people who drive a lot less than anywhere else... Many people never drive more than a few times a year, called “paper drivers”.

The education level and et inspections pis on the same level as the French one. Freeways are just as nice in France as in Germany either. Yet German freeways are safer, simply because people fall a lot less asleep at the wheel... And no there are no categories in Germany... Lane etiquette is how it should be tough.

Just to be clear, I’m in total favor of harsher controls and sanctions related to speeding on roads where it matters... Around cities, in cities and anywhere where traffic is important and slower... This is where speed kills... But this is not where cops with radars are... They are on empty stretches of roads, hidden

No they won’t become worse... More people will die due to speeding, which is far from being a leading factor of deaths on freeways... A lot less people will fall asleep at the wheel though... This is why Germany is safer and Japan is worst, even though Japan has a 60mph speed limit on its roads. When you due at the

Countries that keep track of and publish crash statistics, like France, show drugs/alcohol and sleepiness at the wheels to be by far the leading causes of accidents on freeways... Third comes respect of safety distances... Then comes speed.