Flavien Vidal

And? When the 65mph speed limit was implemented do you think all cars could even reach said limits? Again, speed isn’t even the leading problems for crash on freeways in countries like France (I’m French)... 25% of accidents of French freeways are due to people falling asleep at the wheel out of boredom... Germany has

Not wrong... nonetheless, speed limits aren’t what reduced the deaths on our roads over the years... Vehicle safety improvements have... Drowsiness behind the wheel is much more of a problem than sleeping... I don’t know about you, but I don’t fall asleep at the wheel on the autobahn...

Improved vehicle safety should equal higher allowed top speeds... 65mph is about the slowest speed limit on highway in the developed world. And braking distances and tires have been vastly improved, reducing the braking distance by a lot regardless... Also if you take assisted emergency braking into account, in many

As usual, it depends on where this was done... Speed limits were designed around cars built 30-40 years ago... maybe it’s time for people to realize that falling asleep at the wheel doing 65mph on a long straight empty road is more likely to happen than dying in a fiery crash doing 100mph on a long straight empty

0.15$ on 7$ is the first step of a 3 year tax raise plan... It would be an 81cts raise on diesel by 2022...

Roads still being utter shit there is a fact... Not exactly surprised if taxes are going and roads are still the same I knew them last time I was there. Sorry but albeit funny, your second line didn’t strike meas a joke... more of an hyperbole.

C’est la France... On brule un peu tout, tout les 4-5 ans... il y a rien de spécial. Dans 2-3 semaines ca sera fini et dans quelques années il y en aura d’autres... C’est plus une tradition chez nous qu’autre chose.

1.64*3.8 = 6.23... So you got the basic calculation wrong... That makes the gallon of diesel at 6.23$. When gasoline to go to work equal 20 or 25% of your base income of a 1200€ per month income, people being mad is understandable...

Really crazy that we can have this kind of “debate” on a car website... Future for car geeks will suck :(

Clutch isn’t being used if you rev-match when downshifting...

Rev matching is a thing for a reason... So if you downshift correctly, it is better, if you can’t you’re better off braking.

Start burning shit up, you’ll get that too maybe... We have a long tradition of burning shit up to get social benefits, you can look at May ‘68 :)

Le plan Juppé c’etait il y a pas si longtemps... et meme en 2010 avec le projet Woerth sur les retraites, il y avait des millions de personnes dans les rues... Il y a bcp moins de monde pour les gilets jaunes... c’est juste qu’il y a un peu plus de caillou utilisés :)

Are you paying 7$ a gallon?

Bought one before, these are actually pretty good cars by Panhard standards...  A huge improvement over the PL17.

I like those, I used to own one... But holy shit, I'm not touching that with a stick!

You seem to have reading comprehension problems... I Don’t compare the US and Germany, I compare France and Germany. France has similar infrastructure to Germany in term of quality of freeways... Licensing difficulty is also comparable, along with car safety with full technical inspections every two years in France.

Speed does not necessarily kills... Some roads would require higher speed limits to prevent somnolence at the wheel (somnolence is the 2nd cause of accidents on french freeways, which have a 130kph speed limit, speeding on the other hand is the 4th cause of accident and is often linked to bad weather mixed with speed),

I’ve seen one before in Nagoya during a car show too... maybe the same one?

Considering the hand position of the cop during the entire video, he has zero training in an HPD school and is a danger at the wheels driving like that. Almost wondering if he’s been taught to hold a firearm before... I have very little experience with firearms, but I know one thing about them: “Don’t hold them