It’s more of a Suzuki that was rebadged as a Mazda. Not really a joint venture as Mazda didn’t participate in anyway in the creation of the car... Suzuki design built in a Suzuki factory.
It’s more of a Suzuki that was rebadged as a Mazda. Not really a joint venture as Mazda didn’t participate in anyway in the creation of the car... Suzuki design built in a Suzuki factory.
Grey market cars are legally but privately imported vehicles (ie not by the manufacturer). Illegally imported cars like yours at the time are black market cars.
Those R34 are most likely M-Spec Nür, which means they would be on the Show and Display list... S&D cars still need to comply to EPA regulations which means they all need quite a bit of work done to them.
Dicks have a stiffer chassis but Miatas are still pretty damn good...
haha no worries... Miatas are in my top 3 favorite reasonably priced car... and I know a gay guy too...
Even with the first ones though... if I were to be given the choice between a NA Miata and a first year Boxter, the NA Miata would take it... NA Miatas often came with LSD (even came standard in Japan where I live) which wasn’t the case with Boxter... That’s a HUGE difference between those two. If I recall correctly…
The main question remains though... Miata? Or Boxter??? Now these are the real dividing questions in our society!
Michèle not Michéle ;)
Oh my I made a joke involving gay people... and Miata!! How terrible I am! FYI, I used to own a Miata.
Since Miata are mostly aimed at the gay men hairdressers market, it seems logical for a man to drive one...
NYC is terrible when looking at the road conditions and at the never ending stop and go traffic... But for anything else, I would recommend Milan or Paris. These are insane because they are fast paced and people sort of know what they’re doing and how to deal with each other... NYC is super slow and just boring...…
A friend once helped a South American guy at the airport... The guy had no idea what to do with the automatic transmission of his rental and asked my friend how to drive it. Same with my mother the first time she encountered an automatic. I remember the first time I drove an automatic too... If I hadn’t been a car…
This might very well be the whitest video ever produced!
I think you misunderstands why you shouldn’t use synthetic in your 30 year old car. Synthetic oil are great... They also clean up and remove deposits that mineral oil leaves in the engine... Great! Well in an old car, not necessarily. This crap that mineral oil leaves in your old engine is actually filling holes.…
I’ve lived 8 years in QC... it’s not that bad really. It just depends how the owners took care of their cars. I only had 90's cars (2006-2014) and a good chassis wash every month and you can drive them all winter without any problem. All my cars were parked outside too. No rust.
Not defending trains from other countries but living in Japan myself, I would like to add a little bit of nuance... People look at this and think all trains leave within seconds on their planned departures here... This is not the case though. Shinkansen lines are very much different than the rest of the JR lines (and…