Flavien Vidal

Golf 1 GTi

This makes no sense... Pagani lose no value when they leave the “lot” (well, carpeted showroom floor) and they gain value after a couple years...

So now the problem is her speeding? You do realize that foreigners on US soil are granted the same rights as US citizens?

So first, speeding is not a “crime”. It’s an infraction. Doing 50 or 60 over the limit might be considered a crime in some states, but 17 over isn’t anywhere.

Point is that by law she doesnt NEED a passport... Passports are used to cross borders and not to prove your identity. So there’s absolutely no reasons for her to carry it...

Canadian only need the “enhanced driver license” to travel to the US... not sure what this person had, but most canadians I knew when living there had one.

Canadians driving into the US don’t need their passport to cross the border, let alone driving INSIDE the country.

By law canadians driving to the US are not required to have a passport to cross the border. Only when the fly into the US are the required to have one. Same for Mexico and Bermuda citizens (though driving from Bermuda might be hard haha).

Have you ever been a foreigner in the US “dickhead?” I have... I have lived in the US for nearly 5 years and in Canada for about 8 years. Foreign governments even recommend NOT to keep your passport with you in the US.

If you have actually LIVED in a different countries you’re given ID as a resident of said country. In Canada and US I had American and Canadian driver licenses, here in Japan I have a resident card. No permanent or temporary resident in countries have to keep passeports with them at all time.

Yeah but in that case it just means you can’t drive in Spain... A passport does not allow you to drive.
It’s always been recommended by my own government that in most developped country you travel without your passeport in hand due to pickpocket and so on... I would keep it with me if I were to visit a police state where a proof of ID is the difference

I am not sure how your passport means you can drive in Spain? If you drive in spain you need your US license and an international driver license, which is basically a translation of said license. And International driver license are perfectly accepted there... I was controlled less than a year ago driving there with
France NEVER recommended to keep your passport with you wherever you travel... It is required to have SOME ID in france, but a driver license along with an international driver license does the trick for anyone... Eventhough I am french I have long lost

To drive in any country you need your actual driver license along with a an international driver license, which is basically a translation of said license and make sure it is accepted in the country you’re travelling to. Passports are never asked during basic traffic controls. Licence + international driving license,

I have NEVER seen a government recommend to keep passports at all time. This is for example the french consulate in NYC:
Les touristes étant la cible privilégiée des voleurs à la tire, il est recommandé de déposer passeports, billets d’avion et argent en

Carrying your passeport with you at all time?? WTF? And when it gets lost be arrested because you can’t prove where you’re from? Forced to go to the embassy, potentially overstaying your visa because you have to wait a few days to get a new one so you can even exit the country...etc? Anyone who got out of his own

I’m french. This is normal. I also don’t live in France anymore. Enjoy! :)

“Ouch that hurts!” in 3....2....