Nah a French one, but I used to drive to Switzerland quite often, going from Annemasse to Lausanne :)
Nah a French one, but I used to drive to Switzerland quite often, going from Annemasse to Lausanne :)
Switzerland... the only country on this planet where 4-5k$ per month barely gets you to live :)
It’s nice to have physical support of movies too... Sure they won’t last forever, but it’s nice nonetheless... And yes I have a collection of Laserdiscs and HD-DVD... Because paying between 30cts and 1$ for an actual movie that you can watch anytime, instead of relying on Netflix to choose what catalogue of movie you…
Only difference with cars under $2500 is that said cars don’t have to fill out an ISF form before shipping out of Japan. Cars over $2500 have to fill out this form, basically just letting customs know that a car is coming their way. Whether the car is 20$ or 1 million$ does not matter when it comes to the importation…
BlackOpsPerformance DOES NOT do legal shit... They specialize in black market cars... Only thing we know is that it’s a 1999 V-Spec. 61 V-Spec came in Active Red, out of 4193 V-Spec produced. That’s one of 4193... The V-Spec cars are the most common BNR34 cars you can find... just because it’s a 1999 V-Spec model,…
Nah most of those cars won’t go up in price that much... Lots of cars will actually go DOWN in price with the arrival on JDM ones on the US market... Cars that used to be rare and expensive in the US (FD RX7) will see the arrival of more and more JDM cars that are common here, bringing prices down.
super nice ones are becoming expensive... because there isn’t any super nice ones anymore. But decent drivers remain very affordable.
The Vivio RX-R is the shit... I’ve exported a couple. They are TRULY awesome.
It’s an actual LeMans racecar that raced there...
Oh ok, I actually had no idea :)
oh skipped on that, but yeah it’s a 962
Yes that is the one :)
You can do similar stuff in Japan... I happen to know the owner of the XJ220LM a little. He speaks absolute perfect french which was real surprising the first time I talked to him...
I used to own a LT1 C4 Corvette... I could easily start in 5th or 6th. Once it reached 35-40kph. you could just let of the accelerator and it would cruise at 40kph no matter what... The clutch wasn’t even mad or hot. Jeremy Clarkson did it in top gear with a ZR1, going from 0 to 250kph or so on a single gear.
Drifting is fun... You’re dumb.
You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about... Have you ever driven on slicks? Slicks provide A LOT of grip, up to the point when they don’t grip anymore. They are not used in drifting for a reason: way over the limits, they do not grip at all and are extremely hard to catch. As for the wing, something this…
Looks like a Lotus Esprit interior.
Which is why you import this kind of stuff... granted that you are allowed to and not limited by a 25 year rule :)