I think I have the cheapest insurance here... 1985 turbo SA22C RX7, in Japan, I pay 15$ a month for liability. Granted that the way the Japanese shaken works, it includes the mandatory minimum insurance. That extra 15$ a month just makes sure I’m covered no matter what I destroy. The mandatory minimum insurance is…
Not stolen, illegally imported into the US... All the illegal cars in the states were imported via containers as they are not inspected nearly as much as cars brought through Ro-Ro
Vehicles aren’t shipped via container for 99% of them.
Video to send to people who think it is safer to ship their cars via container than via Ro-Ro :)
Not having an understeery pig would be the main reason... Heavy weight on the front axle doesn’t exactly help cornering....
I don’t find it hideous... It’s different, but I like it.
I’m gonna choose to believe you’re a genius with this post... That’s GREAT trolling!
Goddamnit not this thing again... If you DON’T recline you are the problem. I recline, I manage to get my legs under the front seat. If I don’t recline and the person in front does, I’m freaking stuck of course! So the person in front of me reclines, I recline and I expect the person behind me to do the same thing.…
Not that interested no... I like driving, never cared that much about what those cars are made of.
Trailers!!! Bouyah!! Also I live in Japan and they rarely salt roads in the mountains here...
Yeah they don’t usually salt ski trails haha
Considering most of the body is made of carbon and fiberglass...
Now go tell me that modern cars aren’t for the most part appliances :)
Quoting the dailymail for anecdotes on celebrities lol... Now that’s credibility!
The Grand Tour is about he only reason I’ve renewed my Amazon Prime... Since they also canceled Jean-Claude Van Johnson (which I really liked!), I don’t see what could keep me there... Most of the stuff I buy on Amazon comes with free shipping anyway, Prime or not...
Love that thing! But “huge”? Ever seen a Beat or a Cappuccino :)
I’m married too.... I know the feeling