No kidding. That's really bad. Google gave me way too much information about both names listed on the mail. I even know what one of these women looks like. Redact. That. Shit.
No kidding. That's really bad. Google gave me way too much information about both names listed on the mail. I even know what one of these women looks like. Redact. That. Shit.
Wasn't it addressed in the little bit of dialogue with Sleeping Beauty that the Enchanted Forest was also stopped for 28 years, and only once the curse began to weaken (whether that was when Emma arrived in Storybrooke or when she actually broke the curse isn't totally clear, but I think it's the former based on…
I sleep with my dog, which is absolutely ridiculous. Some nights I wake up sideways on my pillows, pressed against the headboard, while he's stretched as large as possible across the rest of the bed. Brat.
He was found in the reeds and they named him Moses and he is a giant baby that snorgles cats and dogs and donkeys and he pulls on Webb's nose to make it longer and I love him.
I could swear they're allowed to say "penis" on air. I'm pretty sure I've heard it before on network television.
Nope, totally agree. I'm fairly certain last night the words, "Well, he's certainly solidifying his vote with angry, jackass, twit-tastic white men," were said by me multiple times.
I'm Korean, and have had, in the past, difficulty finding someone to cut my hair properly. I don't think it's as difficult as it is for people with black hair, but I still ended up with some weirdly-shaped hair when I was living in my rural midwestern towns. My head of hair was relatively thin (not a lot of hair), but…
They came to my college to perform once. It was the most fantastical thing EVER. It was really fun!
Oh, gosh. I have too many feels about this. Poor mama!
As many others have pointed out, this is more about an individual's ability to "name" a color. Women just seem to use more modifiers and come up with more "flowery" names than men. That aside, here's the XKCD blog post that originally talked about some of that raw data. Some of the stuff people came up with is…
No kidding. Our days were a lot like that. Toga Day. Black & Gold Day. Overalls Day. 60s Day. The only day that was kind of awful and eventually got banned was "Cross-dressing Day." Not really because it was insensitive/sexist, but because a male student wore a miniskirt and a thong and then kept finding reasons to…
God, I can't even think about that scene without tearing up. Sniffle.
My cousins do their emoticons backwards and it ENRAGES me. I cannot explain it, but it just makes me so angry. Plus they're practically babies, so they abuse basic spelling rules and overuse their emoticons anyway. But those backward emoticons—they're that back-breaking straw for me.
You guys...I can't even. I am legit tearing up right now.
At first I was just like, "Oh, hey, these are cool." And then I saw the dead Deerling in the Druddigon pic and almost bust a gut laughing. I don't know why I found that hilarious, but it did automatically up the awesome quotient for me.
It's truly one of those situations where I'd be standing at the check-out line in the grocery store, staring at the cover trying to figure out who that person is. One of those, "OMG, I know who that is. Why can't I figure it out?" moments. I don't know if it's mostly just a weird angle/lighting, Photoshop tomfoolery,…
I think I love this dog.
I know! I feel bad for my mice. I'll be glad when I'm graduated and done working with animals personally. I read another article that said "In March, Harvard Medical School Dean Jeffrey S. Flier ordered an independent review panel to evaluate the management and care of animals used in experiments. The panel’s…
Even more appalling (if at all possible)? Cotton-top tamarins are considered critically endangered. I'm actually really surprised they're allowed to do research on this species. I don't really approve of biomedical research on endangered animals, to be honest.
There should definitely be vets and/or vet techs constantly available in case of animal health emergencies, and there should be staff around every day to monitor the animals. I don't understand how this could have happened, really, unless they have totally negligent staff and/or are hiring incompetent staff and/or…