
We have that hanging in our lab!

No, you're not the only one. I had finally figured out Kinja, worked out my angst over Kinja, and even decided Kinja wasn't that bad after all. But this...sigh. I second everything you said there.

Hair grows back! Color grows out! DO IT, DO IT, DO IT. (I'm admittedly an enabler.)

Honest question...why wouldn't it be PC? Does the word "conniption" have some mysterious history I'm unaware of?

I actually learned Japanese faster and easier than I learned Spanish, though Spanish would probably be more similar to English. I think part of the reason is that schools never properly taught my class English grammar, so trying to understand how tenses, etc. translated into Spanish was...mind-boggling. And our

I had milk in bags at school lunch, and that was in Iowa. I loved milk bags! I actually was really annoyed by our crappy milk cartons that never. effing. opened properly.

I just saw something that referred to this Taylor Swift/Conor Kennedy thing as...TaCo.

I was adopted, and fed formula right from birth. In fact, I was fed soy formula, since I was sensitive to regular. I am totally fine! Allow me to brag—I'm smart! Really smart! I'm in a graduate program and am less than year from getting my doctorate in molecular biology. I don't have asthma, and the only allergy I

Not being able to sweat is BAD. I fully appreciate my body's sometimes over-zealous attempts to cool me down. My stepmother has a difficult time sweating, and she's suffered from overheating many times because of it, since she can't cool down. Her only options are to hightail it to the A/C, or if somewhere without

Am I the only one who thinks that quote from John Bolton, attributed here to the bonding of the animals, is actually about the fact that the lamb was born with spots, especially considering the lamb was born at a Dalmatian breeders? Not that the bonding isn't adorable and I'm sure the owners are pleased, but just

I'd be more inclined to buy Downy if it had been Isaiah doing all that gamboling around the park. Yes indeed.

I can't be the only person that wants them to do this kind of thing at the grocery store, right? I admit it. I'm lazy. I don't like thinking that hard when I'm at the grocery store or writing down my list! Plus I feel like the finer, finickier rules change every dang day, so I never know what's going on (I mean, I get

I actually can see where he would be a good commentator. But he really doesn't know anything about gymnastics, and has honestly clearly not educated himself about it. That's fine, whatever. Really the fault lies with NBC, who would rather have these guys drum up false storylines for the sake of ratings, as compared to

The female was Shannon Miller, from the Magnificent 7. Not sure who the man was, though, but he seemed pretty nice. They were both great—not overly dramatic, didn't try to spin any stories about how the US were the best and the prettiest and the nicest, while those evil Russians were evil, and Shannon offered some

This basically sums up my feelings about all of this. I think Mustafina is kick-ass, and the way she came back from an ACL injury is amazing to me. I do not mind tears at the Olympics. I really don't mind tears at major competitions in general. I am an adult, and I still don't always have a firm handle on my emotions,

Hermione Granger knows the answer!

That's Al Trautwig, actually, not John Tesh. But he's ridiculous and overdramatic and the way he says things makes me think he longs for the Cold War days, just so he can stop making stupid stuff up. Elfi Schlegel was a gymnast for Canada. She never competed in the Olympics because of the Moscow boycott. The three of

Actually, they're matching something called the human leukocyte antigen (HLA). Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe multiple studies have been done that show that ABO incompatibility is not necessarily a significant problem with some bone marrow transplants, I think somewhat dependent on which

OMG, WHAT? I think my brain just exploded.

Tears! So many tears! That's a great ad.