Flutterby Plant

Not patronizing at all, and your words meant a lot to me because, although doing well in life nowadays, I’ve came from a poor ubringing and could never formally study English. I self-taught myself through my childhood interest in comics and movies. Two years ago I reached a moment of great personal pride, getting a

Ummm... completely off topic because my point was not about the book itself, but that Bethany didn’t understand what he was reading. There were no zombies in The Road. There were cannibals.

Haha I promise I won’t!

When I was a kid, my mom bought what was supposed to be a pure bred vietnamese pot-bellied pig. The farmer said it would be under 100 lbs. This was before the Internet so there was no easy way of checking the truth. Now, we lived on an acreage and had a bunch of animals already, so we had a place to put the pig. We

Irons are now designed to cool off instantly when they come in to contact with skin. So you’re missing out.

“medical care and food for the pigs can run up to $440 a month”

“Do you know who I am?”

Question: what are grits? I’ve seen picture and heard them mentioned in Movies (My Cousin Vinny ftw!) enough but I’ve not eaten one.

Yeah, in the U.S. It’s really different. Most women give birth in the hospital and when they are discharged (so long as all is well) have a six week follow up appointment. I think this is for vaginal deliveries only, as c sections need to be checked sooner (I hope). But as far as I know, unless you are paying extra on

...or they could make clothes for women in fabrics that *actually clothe us*. (dreams on)

It was always the fridges that blew my mind. We never had enough to eat as kids so I couldn’t believe there were people with such amazing, well stocked fridges.


I met my now spouse on OKC. I was on the site off and on for at least four years. Keeping expectations low helps.

Was that to my comment? Of course it doesn’t. But when you make fresh-squeezed fruit juice, most of the solids are left behind, and the liquid component of a fresh plum is mostly sugar. Prune juice is from pureeing the dried prunes after soaking them in water, so more of the solids are included.

OKAY SO I texted my mom who is a doctor about this issue.

Seriously. And according to google, 100% of women find salad HILARIOUS.

When FB gives me the weight loss ads I wonder if it can see me eating in front of my computer?

Why does the article keep referring to WEP as an “organization” [sic - we all know it’s “organisation” :P ]? It’s a political party, why not just say that?

You are correct, because there IS no King of England ;)

Careful now.