Flutterby Plant

I am pro whatever a woman who has granted me access to her lady parts wants.

Ahem, in relation to all countries that have English as an official language (Canada, UK, Ireland, Singapore, India, Pakistan, etc), lingua franca (USA, South Africa, etc) or use it for other official purposes the US and Canada are fairly small.

This is such a bad move, I’m so ashamed of my country. This move shows how hate can motivate people to make stupid decisions. Please remember that very nearly half of us didn't make this decision. I feel sick...

“.... he could’ve easily been mistaken for a blanket-wrapped butternut squash.”

- The letter W

She sounds awesome.

Isn’t it odd how we displace our anger like that? My ex’s dad was abusive to his mom. I think he always hated his mom for not leaving— but he loves his mom, so instead he just displaces it onto other women in his life. So dad beats mom, son blames mom, son abuses other women. Circle of life!

Do not get me started on divorced parents badmouthing each other to the kids, I hate it! I once had to take a woman aside once to point out that her daughter was 50% her DNA and 50% her ex’s - the same ex she spent all of dinner bashing. Even after I said “How would you like to have a dinner where the topic of

I still remember the other seventh graders passing around my copy of Forever on the playground. They were all so scandalized. Little did they know that was tame compared to the Silhouette Special Editions and Stephen King I usually read, BWAHAHAHAA.

Does it have to be a wall? Because we have a bean.

I always feel a burning need to point out that “Alabama Song” was written by Kurt Weill in the 1920s. It drives me bonkers when people refer to it as “that Doors song.”

LOL. Never!

Another trick they like to do is send their house staff to the QDC (government owned liquor store) to buy their liquor for them.

Joan Hickson was the best. McEwan was good though. Suchet is such a good Poirot though. Although he hasn’t had much competition. Seriously when I hear the phrase ‘dapper little man’ I do not think Peter Ustinov....

That’s a very weak rickroll.

Now playing

This once again gives me an opportunity to post the greatest moment in TV history... the day Cookie Monster went on Martha Stewart in two clearly unscripted segments and she had absolutely no idea what she was in for. Part 2 is even funnier than part 1.

dude has a softball or some damned thing in his pants and people are focused on the boots?

We have been ignoring him for a long time in the UK and I promise you, you will not regret this path.

My birthday is in May. Please make sure I’m a “pefect size 6" in the picture and that the lighting really captures my “golden blonde locks” and “Aquamarine eyes”

Standing ovation! I’m so glad they broke down the numbers as those types are always ‘just sure,’ that they’re right because it ‘feels’ like they talk about women a lot more than they are used to.

What in the actual fuck does that mean? It sounds like it was translated from Bulgarian by someone who just suffered a concussion.