Flutterby Plant

Every cloud...

Titbits is how it's spelt in almost all the English speaking world.

In Britain, we find it hilarious that anyone would say tid instead of tit in titbits. It sounds terribly prissy to us!

When I was a tiddler, my dad told me a story of a long ago Prince who had built a new and beautiful square in the centre of the city. The highlight of the square was a fountain, which the prince decreed would flow with milk. He ordered that every household in the city bring a pint of milk to add to the fountain on a

Thank you - it's really interesting to see how other people do stuff differently.

Yeh, we don’t have that. And we also have VAT included in the displayed price of stuff we buy- my mum was surprised the first time she visited America to find that the tax on goods was calculated at the till!

Thanks! I’ve learned a new thing.

So this garnishing- is that another name for a fine? Does it end up costing more than paying the taxes you owed, and does it have any criminal implications? I am curious. How much of this tax work do you have to do yourself? I mean- do you need to calculate what you owe?

I’m not sure I’d characterise it as abusive. It was a messy divorce and my dad didn’t hide his hurt and anger and my mum did. When they argued, they were evenly matched- and it pissed me off that she wouldn’t slag him off, coz I knew she could do that. I think my mum tried to put our feelings ahead of hers but my dad

My dad did that about my mum. She never defended herself. As a young teenager I was so angry with her and couldn’t understand how she let him do that to her, and I was really unsympathetic. I hated him for saying it, and hated her for putting up with it.

Ha! We ALL remember the aftershave... I met a woman in her late 30s who was considering calling her baby Ralph. My first words were ‘hahah! Like in Judy Blume’s Forever? Hahaha!’

I have no memory at all of ‘are you there God...’ But we all read Forever to literal bits. The school library had two copies and they were always out and on reserve. They fell open at the stuff about Ralph...

A late submission: the Hare and the Minotaur. (All my own photos are elsewhere so I nicked this off some website)

It’s an awful thing to put up with. There’s a building site directly across from my block of flats and the digging into bedrock began in October at 6.32am and went on until 4.30pm. Until they changed it around January. Then it started at 6.03am and went on until 5pm. Then then stopped digging, but only drive in

I’m so glad you posted. Thank you!

If it helps, usually the ruler only mentions the metre when you’re actually at a metre. So it’ll count 1-99cm, then say 1m, then the divisions will be 1-99cm again then 2m and so on.

Seeing as I’m referring to my colleagues, no, not about Laura’s decision to report her rape.

I don’t disagree that there are all sorts of issues with Qatar and its neighbours, but the people you meet when you live here aren’t one homogenous mass. Most of them are very pleasant- much like, I suppose, most Americans. But reading the news on the internet, it would be very easy to presume that the whole of the US

It’s not illegal to drink, but being drunk in public is illegal.

It's perfectly legal.