Flutterby Plant

I live in Qatar and don’t find it a difficult place to be as a western woman. I suppose it depends what sort of lifestyle you’re after. It wouldn’t have suited me 15 years ago. I do enjoy being here

Just for info- Qatar exports LPG, not oil. I don't know if America buys it from here.

I can't cope with this temperature measurement.... Up in the 40s at the moment, for those readers who are metric.

That always makes me laugh- trolleys stacked with the most expensive booze and the shoppers in fraying clothes...

I bet you've never seen any qataris in bars... ;-)

Pretty much. Depends a great deal on who you are.

It’s legal to buy and drink alcohol in Qatar, but it’s illegal to be drunk in public.

The ones I’ve seen have been terrible. And Then There Were None loses all nuance, Death on the Nile has Poirot replaced by Canon Pennyfather (the forgetful one from At Bertram’s Hotel). Dire dialogue and the most hilariously appalling performances you can imagine. I had to buy the scripts to make sure the theatre

I’m really not a royalist, but as a kid I liked Fergie. I had an array of Fergie bows and so did all my friends. Hair accessories aside, she seemed like a fun person, which is why we liked her. That toe sucking thing was hilarious.

I recall one scene where Rupert Campbell-Black is painting his wife’s clit with olive oil before taking photos of her. There’s quite a lot of sex in them. They’re called bonkbusters for a reason!

But...but...how do you know you're enjoying yourself if you're not recording and/or taking pictures of it?

But The Road is not in any way about a zombie apocalypse. It's a novel about a post-apocalyptic world. The apocalypse was nothing to do with zombies.

If I had fallen for this scam, by now I would have be enjoying some home grown bacon and have a freezer full of delicious pork products.

This is not the first time Good Housekeeping ‘tried and tested’ vibrators I went to hear the then editor of GH give a talk about the history of vibrators years and years ago. It was enlightening! Thanks Freud and your crazy ideas about paroxysm! The woman who presented it said that GH chose the rabbit back then.

No. I just take the pill everyday, and have done since 2004.

None of it sounds pretentious in a Derby accent.

I need to know too- I have a mental image, which I’m sure can’t be right...at least I hope it's not right!

Really? 6 weeks until someone medical comes to see you? Or maybe you see them?

Why would you think a person would change her tampon every time she has a piss? (This is not meant aggressively. I am curious about your curiosity)

Ah, the antiques roadshow. Redolent of bread and butter for tea, with a cake that mum made ‘to use up the heat’ from making the Sunday roast.