Flutterby Plant

yep. i live just outside boston and my house is older as well, as are most in these parts. sadly, mine didn’t come with an indoor heated pool.

Ugh The clots!!! The birth control I’ve been on for the last year for some reason causes me to literally give birth to a massive clot almost every period. I always know when it’s coming bc I get terrible cramps. Oddly enough I end up praying for the clot to appear because once it’s out the cramping finally stops.

My husband runs in a few circles with costumers and historical reinactors (mostly the SCA guys). A few years ago we were talking to a friend of his who, along with a friend, had just finished some first century accurate Centurian armor and packed it to go to the Tournament of Nations with them in Europe with the hopes

Do you have any idea how much a cartridge of Polaroid film cost? That shit was expensive.

Ha, even in Canada we don’t get 100%. I had a measly 97% coverage >:/

I should be grossed out, but I’m laughing instead. Laughing and cringing.

Right. Which implies that the girl will catch feelings and the guy won’t.

NHS fistbump! Seeing the Tories trying to dismantle it has felt like a knife through my heart. I’d most likely be dead if it wasn’t there for me when I was too ill to work. <3

And the materials, I see a “silk” blouse on the website, and lo and behold when I look at the materials its all polyester. Lay off the god damned polyester and use real material. Seriously, how about making tops that aren’t see through polyester.

AND she's a booze hound which I love.

As with middle-aged parents who still use Internet Explorer despite being gently but repeatedly urged to move onto Chrome or Firefox to make their own lives easier, America keeps on going with the Imperial measurement system (ironically) and Fahrenheit. Bless you, glorious stick-in-the-muds.

Lucky for her the nuns who taught her aren’t likely to follow her or there would be some ruler whacks to deal with.

Its ok, 50's are great. He’s definitely on my laminated list. ;-)

I know it’s a typo, but I’m laughing and imagining a shop of clothes specifically for people to be buried in.

Because you are not Donald.

When I heard “Sour Times” I was confused. Obviously the “nobody loves me” chorus reflects on how Clark must have been feeling, but why would they play Portishead? Then I realized that Dummy came out in 1994. And that the song choice is not anachronistic. And that I am getting old.
But credit to Portishead for still

In 1998 I started at an inner London comprehensive it was 30 to a class and then they split up another form group and we were at 35. And we weren’t the exception, my mother was a comprehensive head for 15 years, it was 30 to a form.

I went to a village college comprehensive school in Peterborough, where the kids came from either the villages surrounding the town, the town, or RAF Wittering (those whose parents didn’t pay for them to go to school elsewhere). There were a few kids who were lower-middle-class by local standards, as there’s a fair

Being able to switch your regional accent on and off is a huge advantage in the UK. I’ve seen people who can’t run into massive trouble, its such bullshit.

Growing up, I thought I was posh because my parents were quite well off (it wasn’t like I liked that or was proud of it, I just thought that was how people would see me).