Flutterby Plant

I come from a council estate on Merseyside and live in Scotland. lowest of the low. Token gestures will do nothing. One person may get a scholarship. That is it. I went to a uni with lots of posh people only because I was a swot at RC comp school. And had good teachers. That is it. The gulf is unbelievable. Most kids

What are you talking about? I used one all the time when I was a kid and it was creepy but I never had anything bad hap - BOW DOWN BEFORE SABNOCK LORD OF GANGRENE AND MARQUIS OF THE 50 UNHOLY LEGIONS. SABNOCK SULENAN NI SABNOCK SULENAN NI -pen. They are perfectly harmless.

Unrelated, but has anyone seen the neighbor’s

Seriously, that’s the second “didn’t you do that in high school” comment I’ve gotten.

Bitch, some of us were in high school before cellphones existed for the average person (even RAZORS). THE HORROR, I know.

It horrifies me that there are people walking around who are so young that they can’t even conceive of people going to high school before cell phones of any kind were something that children had.

I have this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side....

They’re just upset that he’s a man of wealth and taste. He’s been around for long, long years and he’s stolen many a man’s soul and faith. I mean, he was around when Jesus Christ had his moments of doubt and pain. Didn’t you know he made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.

Then what is that behind you? :O

I feel like Iman will just not comment.

I feel like you’re reading my mind...or my Twitter feed.

It makes me insane. No one is falling all over themselves to declare that all men are “beautiful.” Men can have so many other qualities as their top priority: be funny, be smart, be rich, be a great artist, be a great athlete, be a humanitarian...be pretty much anything that capitalizes on their natural talents and

It looks like a pose designed to emphasize her ample bust (the societally approved “good” thing about a larger woman) and hide the rest of her (the “flaws”). I personally think SI, and all “body positive” campaigns can fuck off. How about we stop reducing women’s value down to whether society has dubbed them

What’s more, ‘... on the job’ also has another meaning in Britain. So the headline says (in, ehem, English) that women are finally allowed to wear underpants when they’re having penetrative sex.

Pollen that she scraped off of the legs of bees that she caught in her backyard? Fuck if I know.

I saw Bei Bei last week. You guys, he was teddy bear sized and if he hadn’t been behind glass I would have tried to make a break for it with him stuffed in my coat.

As someone who’s been all over the country teaching security departments how to make government-compliant smart badges, let me also say that:

Ah, I stand corrected; they’ve fallen out of fashion in my family. I watched a doc about food in the renaissance and they read out some mincemeat pie recipes from hundreds of years ago. They had EVERYTHING in them- meat, nuts, fruit, spices, etc. It was all the very most expensive ingredients of the day and were a

Americans generally call it hamburger. When I first heard people using the term ‘mince,’ I thought they meant ‘mince meat’ which is the cut up nuts and dried fruits you put in a mince meat pie- which is a sweet pie not a meat pie- it’s all very confusing and counter intuitive. I’ve always assumed it got dropped out of

Minced meat/ground beef (though in Germany it’s half pork/half beef) - usually called just “mince” in NZ. Wasn’t aware that this is a slang thing? I am a non-native speaker, so not always aware of the different terms in the US and UK/NZ.

This is the foundation of British nihilism. Along with the Nazis.