Flutterby Plant

I’m a cop in an area with plenty of rural spots and I have no problem with someone doing this. Here’s what I ask people to do: call 911, put on your flashers, and turn on your interior light. At that point, it’s very clear to me that you acknowledge the stop, aren’t trying to run, and recognize my need for safety.

I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to believe that her diet is going to reduce her allergies to cats...


We waited a long time for Justin. And I for one am not ashamed to admit I was fairly sobbing with relief as the election-night results rolled in. Would Canada choose the untried former drama teacher over a sitting PM with ten years’ experience? YES WE WOULD PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

I just did the test to see how partisan I am, and I came out as -0.4 Democrat, which is interesting, because I’m a Scottish socialist and Democrats are seen as ridiculously right-wing in the UK. Republicans are off the scale.

Holy crap. This kid is cursed, so very cursed! I knew someone who had a mean girl neice and every time anyone in the family had a baby name they would call this mean girl neice (from like when she was the age of seven) and give her the name and she would INSTANTLY nickname cruelly. The only example I remember is when

I wonder if there’s a way to contract the pronunciation. I’m thinking of the name St John, which in Britain is classically pronounced like Sin-Jin.

Bloody hell. When did you live here? Pizza has been everywhere since the 80s and in my memory.

Bizarre trolling. “Maize” is a word only used in the Americas, not in the UK, but we know what’s meant by it. We already have a word for corn, and it’s “corn”.

Given that it’s 99% certain that you’re American, this is fucking hilarious and not for the reasons you thought.

“the British understanding of pizza is problematic”

We don’t actually boil it, or cut the crusts off, or dunk it in cups of tea.

Those are myths. Mean ones.

I’m sorry.

I feel if you have three failed marriages (are you listening, Ross Geller and Gail Roberts/Tilsley/Platt/him who used to be Mr Hopwood/McIntyre/Les Dennis?), you should probably take a long hard look at yourself and realise that maybe you’re not good at making choices relating to marriage.

Are you kidding? Drusilla’s accent is one of the worst attempts at any form of British accent in the history of TV

Yeah, I am constantly amazed by the Brits who thought the accent was real. It’s all over the place. It’s not as bad as Dick Van Dyke, but it’s not great.

British Buffy Superfan here and no guys, Spike’s accent was terrible. Really, really bad, cannot believe other Brits could fell for it. I also thought it got worse from his S2 entrance but maybe it was because he had the whole punk vibe then masking it but as he got neutered (literally and figuratively) he lost his

I remember reading a diary entry where the maid caught her boot in her skirts and sloshed the waste out of the pot all over herself and the stairs.

This is literally one of the greatest threads I’ve ever been involved in!

Vinegar on your bits and bunghole does not sound like a good idea.