Flutterby Plant

Historical epics are really glossing over some critical details.

This — all of them, actually — is amazing.

How big were the curtains?

she wants to live like common people
she wants to do whatever common people do
she wants to hike with common people
like you

“Isn’t it funny when things are taken out of context?”

I hear some have an unbridled love for horse meat.

Does Harper propose some method of identifying these so-callled christian stores? Maybe forcing everyone else to wear some kind of symbol on their clothing identifying them as nonbelievers in the invisible man in the sky and the 2000 year old book of myths, legends and prejudices.

I have no clue who he is, and for some reason my just-woke-up brain thought of the guy that played Bill S. Preston, esq., and now that I’ve realised my mistake, I’m frankly no longer interested in this story.


I haven’t entirely ruled out books by men, but I intentionally lean very, very heavily towards books by women, in response to that bias. And while I have read a few very good books by men in the last few years, I’m amazed at how many other awesome, awesome, heartbreaking good literary fiction pieces I’ve read, by

When you speak of hysterical, do you also advocate the original treatment for hysteria? Because I’m getting excited about your views and would like a newsletter.

Pretty sure mom and dad didn’t have casual sex.

Adele isn't from Essex, rather north (Tottenham) and south (Brixton) London, by way of a spell in Brighton, as I recall.

Actually, think it’s a weird need for control. Yet with curly hair, the zen people learn early on - control is but an illusion.

10/10 would watch this double header concert.

Thank you. Good heart with your pursuits:) If only my brain worked as well as a fresh open-eyed 11 year old's. Enjoy them and yourself!

Oh yeah. 90’s kid as well. AIDS was a huge part of our sex-ed, and was the first thing my brain worried about (after pregnancy) any time I had sex, even when it was safe.

Color me surprised. Wait, don’t, because I know what the hell happened with desperate women in pre-Roe times.

It figures that the food pointer was a lawyer. You’d never see a monogrammed thermos salesman pull that shit.

Clearly, they want to know what the plan is for hunting MICES.