Flutterby Plant

Does he trust his doctor? ‘Cause if this is a major personality change, looking for medical reasons is where my mind would go. Well, my first instinct would be a psychologist, but I can imagine how well that wouldnt go over. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this.

As flutterby plant says - there is no reason why a woman can’t take the active pill every day of the month. I read an article in the New Yorker years ago saying that when the pill first came out in the 60s, the developers made a conscious decision that the pills be prescribed so that a woman would still have a period

It’s a silly question perhaps, but why the placebo pill at all? Is it just a medication compliance issue (which I can sort of understand - just) or is there some other reason?

That’s what I recall most - all the little flat pancakes of hedgehog all over the roads. Not a sight I’d want as my national symbol - roadkill.

Unfortunately (and the reason why I didn’t apply to adopt one) we have LOTS of cats and foxes in and out of our garden all day, so I don’t think that, if there are any hedgehogs in our neighborhood, they’re spending much time at our place, and putting out food would probably just encourage the other wildlife :(

Very much related:

It’s the little decorative swirlies that make it a tad less threatening. Just a tad, because now all we have is a really tacky racist on our hands.

That is over 100,000 eggs in her lifetime.

Bone up on your chess, so you’ll be ready to challenge Death when he comes to take you. To be on the safe side, also practice playing Battleship, Clue, Twister, and Electric Football.

I've never been told my turtle was tight before, but I'll take it. We tend to just say things like "Jolly Good" here in old England ha

That is exactly what I do in Canada. I’d also like to point out that this seems to work pretty well. I think there are two election workers per box, and almost everything is counted up within 30-60 minutes of polls closing.

Oh gods, I have just seen them. LOVE!!!!

Ohh thank you! I will definitely check them out. And I note that you are a shoe-buying enabler, excellent work!!

Yeah, no. You know full well the difference, and why women in a world where they deal with lifelong abuse, harassment, rape, and marginalization would find grim humor and satisfaction in a situation like this, and you know full well that none of those aspects are present in a gender-reversed situation. Don’t be

You are living the life.

Holy crap. Meanwhile, I have (seriously, no lie) ten pairs. I can’t wear heels so I go for comfort - three pairs of Skechers, a pair of Nike mules, Nike running shoes, a pair of black and a pair of brown suede slip-ons, two pairs of sandals and a pair of beige slingbacks.

Flutterby Plant, it’s time for an intervention.

I do wonder if people actually end up wearing these sorts of shoes, they feel more to me like something you put up on display rather than put on your feet

I lost 80 pounds and then got super discouraged by the way men started looking at me and how gross it made me feel. So I gained 20 back. (also, I have no self control. Give me cake, plz)