Flutterby Plant

I like Irregular Choice for concept designs. I mean, you wouldn’t drive a concept car getting groceries, would you? I would buy these shoes, totally unironically, and put them in a curior cabinet.


I know in my company a lot of the guys take parental leave and then two weeks annual leave, to make it a month. We’re able to buy extra annual leave though which helps.

This. The government pays back the company for the wages they are paying you so there really is no net loss to the company. I mean it’s not as good of a system as some of the other Northern European systems, but damn, USA... what’s up with that?

They’ve changed this now, FYI, and you can share the leave between both partners :) Statutory pay is crap (like...we would sink on it and we don’t have that many expenses) but hopefully larger employers will start offering the same packages to men and women for parental leave.

Leave can now be shared flexibly within the first year in the uk!

Dude, half-assedly do Weight Watchers and do Zumba... more to dance around like a fool and de-stress than anything else, if you want a human approach to it. Or don’t. Or just eat the fucking muffin. Yes, you ideally “only get married once”, but I counter-argue that you’re not going to be on your deathbed like, “I’m SO

I know this isn’t exactly the point of the article, but... Don’t do crunches and sit ups, people. It takes up a lot of time to do enough sets of them to see any results, and even if you do, the results won’t be dramatic. Do planks and proper push ups instead. It takes half the time and half the motivation, though

I love that eyeliner, it’s SO GOOD.

I have been using her liner obsessively for close to a year now, & I can’t go back.

I don’t care if Kat Von D is some weird neo-nazi with questionably named cosmetics, her lipstick colors are unbeatable.

I grew up with people trying to make me “feel better” about my freckles. I very clearly remember thinking wtf? I like ‘em. Now that I’m an adult, apparently everyone likes freckles!

My friend is seven months along now and Canada is starting to get a bit cold, but nothing crazy - I’ve mostly been in sweaters or light jackets this month - and apparently people keep telling her she needs to wear more layers to “protect” the baby. She said she was too hot and someone literally told her “You can’t be


We have a hookah bar here that has some kind of magical peach mint that doesn’t taste like fake peach. It’s terrible and wonderful all at the same time.

I would prefer no one ever comment about my body, ever. A few years ago I lost 75 pounds and people acted like I had gotten a PhD. Happier than if I had gotten a PhD, really. A couple people especially gushed over me “You must be so PROUD! You must be so HAPPY!”

I’d like to know more about how you “take” a fire engine. Where is this town? Can anyone take one?

Will explain. :) Skrike (rhymes with strike) means sobbing hysterical crying, it means scream in Norwegian too. Lots of our dialect words are Scandinavian and specific to Norther England because Vikings. Mither (said like “my there”) means being pestered in an annoying fashion. Being mard or a mardy bum means being

Oh for crying out loud, even I could do a better job of plagiarizing and disguising copied novels. ....Yes... I could, couldn’t I? I mean, it’d be obviously morally indefensible, but it could be pretty financially sound... Uh, I gotta go. Stuff to do, you know.