Flutterby Plant


I don’t doubt that some schools have to work at those class sizes. In 2001 I had classes of 28 and one of 36. We had to borrow chairs from other rooms. In the other schools I worked in 18-25 was the norm. However, I have only worked in 5 schools in 15 years. In the international school I’m in, my classes are 22-26.

In the UK, class and classy are two separate things. I’m middle class because my dad was fairly high up in the civil service, but he is working class because his dad had a (horse-drawn) lorry for the railways. My dad is Scottish, which adds to the accent conundrum, but I speak with a fairly neutral southern accent.

A friend of mine was at school with the younger Middleton and they were apparently known as the wisteria sisters- always climbing castle walls.

I really care about education!

As a teacher, I disagree that most kids get a shit education. There are a substantial minority who do not take advantage of the opportunities that are available to them- but that’s not always entirely their fault. Parents, society, social class etc all play into that. Some kids know that school is their escape route -

And how will that help the 80% of 11 year olds who don’t get into a grammar school?

It ought to have its charitable status removed, and pay back its lottery grant for its new(ish) sports centre at the very least.

The advantages of the grammar school system in the past is rich in myth- that it was an engine of social mobility, and that children did better in grammar schools and so on. Children in state schools today are so much more likely to earn 5+ good grades at GCSE and beyond.

And their beagle pack.

I’m a teacher in the British system (although I teach internationally now) trained and taught in the UK, I taught in state schools, and I have friends who teach in public schools. It’s my considered opinion that it’ll take a lot more than letting a few poor kids into private schools to address and challenge the class

I made it for a friend. It’s pretty straightforward. I just need to stretch and frame it.

Some of us were at school before any sort of phone was available to children. I’d left uni before I got a mobile. When I started teaching only a few kids had mobiles.

Grilled and fried haloumi both squeak when you eat them.

Oh, I really want this to be taken seriously.


The daily fail can only conceive of women as a collection of body parts which are ‘flaunted’

Bee pollen? Bees don't make pollen, they make honey. Flowers make pollen. Someone pls tell her.

“Also maybe it’s a british thing?

Now one of the photos has vanished. This is mincemeat.