Flutterby Plant

MINCEPIES ARE A STAPLE FROM NOVEMBER - JANUARY. Without them it's just not Christmas.

Haha! No! Mincemeat is a sweet filling of dried fruit and suet that you out in the ever-popular Christmas mince pie. No meat at all.

1) that is not how you eat a kitkat. You have to nibble the chocolate off the edges first.

Coldplay: music to slit your wrists to.

It’s a very specific Protestantism isn’t it? I was raised in a Protestant household and I understand the work ethic which my family tried to instill. However, it was tempered by a requirement to support and sympathise with ‘those less fortunate’ and a requirement for fair play.

My shirts were all nicked from my boyfriend. Teeny floral patterns. Worn over small vest tops with leggings. Plus a huge jumper.

Your right. It really is mainly farmers. And farmers’ mums. And posh gits.

They also had a baton. If the whistle was ineffective, you could just smack your criminal with the baton. Now they have those fancy flicky batons. And pepper spray.

I would love a gif of my favourite line... ‘Oh no, same person.’ I am Not Good at gif hunting. Or use. Just putting that out there...

That’s such a great scene

There are so many good lines.

He’s a British copper. He’s not allowed to carry a gun.

There's a Facebook page for the Isles of Scily Police. They're very nice policemenofficers

everyone and their mum is packing in the countryside. Farmers. Farmers’ mums.

It's not adequate if they then need to claim extra benefits, surely? Food stamps?

I agree that they're pandering to the older voters, but financially I don’t think it’s that bad. They’re trying to claim it’s unaffordable so that Gideon and chums can share it out amongst themselves in the private sector.

British politicians campaign on this- how they'll protect the state pension. It's a big part of our welfare state that the Tories haven't managed to fuck up yet.

Well... im really sorry, I don’t know what to say.

Thank you. But these sound like emergency provision for the very poor, rather than an adequate (if modest) state pension for all citizens. So that food stamps aren't required.

I hate to judge, (well, not really) but that seems like an awful system!