Flutterby Plant

This is serious? You have no system for ensuring people can live in their old age? The state pension in the UK isn’t a life of luxury, but it’s there.

Is there no state pension in the USA?

In that case have some love and a hot water bottle. And painkillers as required.

Have you asked your dr to check you for endometriosis?

He had a home there.

This makes me both tremendously happy and sad.

My mum does this. I used to go to the library and fetch books for her and she’s say ‘anything by...’ And if ask ‘what if you’ve already read it?’ It didn’t matter. She had no memory of any of them.

I understand. I still love a library, but when a book hooks me, I go and buy it after I’ve returned the library’s copy.

My favourite book in the last three years where I desperately tried to slow down was The Night Circus.

It's true. Just practice reading. By reading books.

I have always read loads. I read really quickly but it’s not speed reading, I’m getting every word. It’s just my specialist skill*, reading very quickly. A boyfriend I once had couldn’t believe how fast I read and so he timed and tested me when I was holiday with him - by grabbing my book and turning back a couple of

When you get to the last chapter and YOU HAVE TO KNOW how it ends but at the same time NEVER WANT IT TO END

I looked at the photos. I don’t know why I did that.

In the UK, the c-bomb is the worst of all the swears. I love it myself, but it’s not a word to use in ‘company’.

I look at Cheltenham vs Gloucester...

That’s Wales tho. It’s all a bit funny over there*... When I was made to go to church as a child it was always ‘the lesson is from St Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians’

You need to try some vocal warm ups before work. Start with humming, then add in some other sounds. There’s loads of tutorials and stuff on YouTube.

Don’t waste time on any diet. Instead, try easyloss hypnosis apps. The virtual gastric band is if you have a significant amount to lose- 50lb+. There are others which help but are for people who don’t have so much to lose.

I did and the bastards made em eat cornflakes the next day. I wanted ice cream.

Low and Station to Station are my favourite albums. But I love everything.