Flutterby Plant

Barry M polish is perfect. The black and white need three coats, but none of the rest do. And the colours are gorgeous.

You’ve not had the good stuff...

I love hearing about other people’s David Bowie.

When I was 11, I set the video to record labyrinth but didn’t set an end time. I watched the film and then it was his Ziggy concert. I was astounded. My musical tastes had been Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan and my mum’s Abba records. This amazing man totally hooked

David Bowie is a hero and an inspiration. Since I first saw his Ziggy tour on tv, by accident, at age 11, his music has been there to cheer, console, commiserate.

I'm so sad that he's gone. And how is this the only story on Jezebel about David Bowie?

Pilates is the answer!

I work in a very conservative, mostly Muslim school- Anne frank is out, as is Joan of arc, and any film I show I need to watch in advance so I know what to fast forward through! Last week, I had girls totally horrified by a man’s bare shoulder!

I have done and still do curvy yoga. I mostly like it, except for the sessions which are almost all downward dog. I get bored being upside down and I feel like downdog is a filler which doesn't benefit me. Plus, I can't get my feet flat when I do it.

What films would you recommend, for younger teenagers, which celebrate amazing women in history? I need ideas for my after school club.

The British version taught me about Tsunamis (a magenta one) and when that one happened a few years back, I was all ‘oh yeh, and then this will happen and that will happen’. My friends and family were agog at my understanding of this thing they’d never heard of (my dad excepted. He seems to know about everything)

I’m British. Couldn’t give a fuck either.

Hello. Here in Qatar you can buy the pill without even filling in a form. It costs less than £10 per month. Depends on the brand. We get them manufactured in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, so there’s no question about the quality.

Take holidays seriously- in teaching, your work is never finished. So don’t ruin holidays by letting work take over. Set aside a specific time to do some work, and then really make sure that you’re getting stuff done at that time.

Just an FYI, in Saudi and other parts of the Middle East, western women have to abide by cultural expectations of modesty, but there’s no need to cover your hair.

An injection is better than the smell of your cervix being lasered during loop diathermy. And the dr asking if you want to watch.

I teach in a predominantly Muslim school in the Middle East. One of my kids recently was bickering with his friend. The only words that reached me were ‘what, just because I’m an Arab I have a bomb in my pocket?’ which made the whole class fall about laughing.

Next year, you can exactly recreate the photo in every detail, except swap outfits with your daughter.

I came out as conservative. I’m the leftiest of all lefties. Practically a sodding communist.

You’re right, it is. By posh wankers. Usually in a very nasal voice

Pizza is just pizza. Corn is sweetcorn. Maize is only used when the local farmer pimps out his field in summer for a Maize maze. We mainly turn corn into cooking oil. We don’t eat a lot of corn that isn’t a) popped or b) sweetcorn.