Flutterby Plant


Ha! Yes! But pretending to be interested is very kind of you.

I used to work for a company that provided comparisons of qualifications from around the world.

Not really.

Happy to help!

The layouts of the houses allowed for it- so they’d often (usually) have a lid and then when no one was around - early morning/ late night, they’d put the lid on and take it quickly across the posh bits of the house and then down the back stairs. (I’ve never read about ladies taking their own potty with them to other

Well, the Romans were hot on hygiene. Their communal toilets used diverted streams and running water to kept them sanitary.

We gloss over bodily functions all the time- I remember watching a couple of episodes of 24- wondering when wotsisname would go to the loo.

You leave it for the maid! You wouldn't touch it yourself. And that stuff goes down the back stairs, not through the house.

Which one? I can't see what this is a reply to. I promise my historical facts are all actual facts :)

In some places they didn't have curtains at all- a gentleman would relieve himself in the pot and just turn his back to the room. In other places I've seen it was a folding screen that hid the guzunder.

Haha! No, I’m a secondary school history teacher.

Knickers weren’t really invented so that made the squatting easier. Early forms of undercrackers had no gusset, they were like loose shorts that weren’t sewn up between the legs. So to go to the loo, you could just squat down over your potty, hidden in the folds of your skirts and go.

Lots of stately homes that are National Trust have the sideboard in the dining room on display with a cupboard door open- that’s where they kept the chamber pot. So after a meal, you could stroll over, have a wazz, and then go back to your chums.

Yes. When you flung the contents of your chamber pot out of the window, you shouted ‘gardeloo’ watch out for the water! From the French l’eau.

Rags mainly for sanitary towels.

The water came from the Broad Street Pump which was found to be contaminated.

Cut off? What does that mean? Like an arm or something?

In the 90s, my GP told me to have a smear the first year I was sexually active. Then every 3 years. I had loop diathermy for CIN3 when I was 29. I had refused to get smears done for 3 years because it was borderline abnormal and so I gave it time to sort itself out or develop into something treatable.

I was wondering that. My friend spent 60 QR on 3 months of the pill. That's about £10. No idea in dollars.