Flutterby Plant

Every couple of years my GP asks me if I fancy it, but he’s never pushed me. There’s no way I'd have an IUD

In Qatar, all the varieties of the pill are available just to buy. All except the particular brand I need to control my endo.

It was definitely a thing I did in 1996 :) you must've been better than you thought the first time.

Yeh, used to do this all the time- back in the late 90s. We called it the 2am runner. My friend and I did a runner from the same house* one night. We worked out that we must’ve left within ten mins of each other.

I wrote my undergraduate dissertation in 3 days. It was ok. I lived on Coke, ProPlus caffeine tablets and cigarettes.

At uni, I was made to change the pill and put on a couple of stone really quickly. Once I sorted out my pill, I managed to lose it.

Me too. I’ve really loved going back through all those albums. And I’ve listened to wtf on repeat so much. I might have a problem.

Now playing

Bayeux Tapestry, which records the last time that the British Isles were ever invaded.

I knew I didn’t like her music. And now I dislike her stance on tax.

And gin.

This is a huge surprise. Because women, in the past, when faced with an unwanted pregnancy and no access to safe abortions, have never ever tried any desperate measure that they can think of to end the pregnancy.

Congratulations on helping those kids improve! You’re doing the right things there.

Try the rule of 6- in 6 days it’ll feel less raw. In 6 weeks you’ll have your balance back. In 6 months it’ll hardly be a thing you think about. In 6 years you won’t even remember this muppet.

The Macmillan website has lots of resources that I found useful when my friend had cancer. They’re a uk charity, so I don’t know how much you’d be able to access, I recall having leaflets posted to me.

A friend of mine had a similar situation with her dad- it later transpired that he had an Alzheimer’s type illness.

I think it’s just a hangover from the idea that you need to bleed to feel like a ‘real woman’ and to help women make sure that they don’t forget to start a new packet at the right time. So if you take a pill everyday, you’re golden for the next packet. If you take it for 21 days you then have to remember when to start

No. I run my packs together constantly and have done for over a decade. The gap week/placebo pills are there so women have a withdrawal bleed. ‘To make you feel like you’re still a woman’ as my dr told me when I first decided to go in the pill.

That's a bit arse. I only put the food out if I hear the hedgehog, rather than every night. Cats every where! Although I once spent an hour of the one and only life I'm ever going to have watching a young cat being fascinated and scared of an oblivious hedgehog. Kitty crept up on piggy, and did that backwards dance

I hear they taste great when baked in clay.

The RSPB sell hedgehog food. In case you don't already know. :)