Flutterby Plant

I understand his fondness for a hedgehog- it is a joyous thing to find one in the back garden and I do have a bag of hedgehog food by the gate for when our neighbourhood piggy visits.

My grandmother is 108 (and 109 in a couple of weeks) and she reckons the key to old age is to not die. Ha! And also to stay interested. She crochets blankets for the elderly. And eats lots of chocolate.

I had some leftover homemade fondant (from a chocolate fondant glaze for eclairs) so I whipped up some French Fancies.

I find the discussions about tipping in America endlessly fascinating. I’ve never visited, so as someone who has no real working concept, I’m chiming in.

I always talk about parents when discussing generally with kids.

Ours take ages to count, because all the constituency ballot boxes are taken to one central location and counted there.

We have a paper ballot and you mark your candidate with a cross. You get a lovely fat pencil to make your mark. Then you traipse back over to the election officials’ table and pop it into the big black ballot box.

Nice! But those all face the wrong way! I keep mine toes out so I can smile when I walk past and see the gorgeousness :)

It's around 350? I don't think that's an excessive number of shoes coz I've been collecting them for 12 years. And I don't have any I don't wear. I really look after them- brush or polish after I wear them, you know. Just love them.

Yes. (I always say to an intended shoe purchase. I'm probably not the best person to ask) my go to easy-on-the-tootsies is the Miaow boot. I bought it in 4 colours. I wear it when travelling too- you can run across the airport in those.

I’ve been wearing heels so long that I’ve shortened my Achilles’ tendon. I had a knee op and the physio told me it’d take 6 months to make it comfortable for me to wear flats.


Letsbuyshoes.com for their end of range shopping. IT’S ALWAYS SALE TIME!


shoes in waiting...for next season

They are the absolute maddest of all my shoes.

I have some that light up when I walk.

Like this? (This season’s shoes)

Do it. Buy two pairs. One indoor and one for outside.

I have around a hundred odd pairs* of Irregular Choice shoes, and they’re all heels. I wear them all day at work- as a drama teacher, I never sit down in a lesson and often do theatrical faffing about. ‘Abigail’s Party’ are a style that doesn’t suit my feet, but the rest are ridiculously comfortable, and you’d never