Flutterby Plant

Nah, the heels are solid. All Irregular Choice shoes are easy to walk in and sturdy.

I’m not into kids’ films, so I wouldn’t wear these ones, but I’d kill for this pair with the bunnies for heels instead. These are lush shoes.

And an adult who can't tell the difference between bought and brought.

Irregular Choice shoes are fabulous and I won’t hear a word said against them. I don’t know why I don’t just give them a quarter of my salary in exchange for a regular irregular delivery.

My friend and I were in Starbucks by the Ritz, and Matt Damon came in. I had no idea who he was, but my friend was all excited. After she listed about 5 films and I still had no idea who he was, she went over to him and asked ‘excuse me, are you Matt Damon’ ‘I sure am’ ‘would you mind giving me your autograph?’

Excellent news. I've been out of the uk for a while and have very little interest in parental leave except for feeling very strongly that it should exist and be substantial.

In the uk, statutory maternity pay is covered by your national insurance contributions and general taxation. The company doesn’t pay unless they have their own additional parental leave policy.

Oooh! I’ve been waiting for this so I can share my recent joy- plus I like the way you write.

My passport is due for renewal. I don’t want any men’s faces in it. And the only woman’s face I want is mine.

Aha! Thank you. It’s just called smoking shisha here. The guy was telling us how they make the resin that they put in the shisha. It’s just compacted tobacco and sugar and stuff. And it’s really bad for your lungs. I like the one that tastes of apple...

Good. If a hookah is anything like smoking shisha, you're getting a whole packet of cigarettes in one go.

Can anyone explain why your politicians are so anti-universal healthcare?

Maybe he never earned enough to pay taxes? I don't know about VAT or its equivalent in Egypt, but he might not have experienced direct taxation?

We do, but I can’t remember the last time I saw a £2 coin. I thought they were a novelty run like £5 coins. Usually it’s a pound coin. (We also have 5p coins which are a ridiculous size and should be banned)

Now playing

I used to mooch about in town. Now I mooch about on the internet. Just call me Minnie

I’ve had to google this coz these comments confused me- but today I learned that the first floor in America is the ground floor. So thank you- every day’s a school day.

I’m 5’1/2”. I’ve never had to physically assault a student either. I have excellent interpersonal skills which I have worked to develop so that I can deal with difficult kids. And I’ve worked with some tough little buggers over the past 15 years.

Unless we’re going to have sex, I don’t want you cuddling me. And please don’t touch me either.

I had a dead rat rotting under my classroom floor and it was revolting. A man from the LEA came and said it would have to rot away, but in the meantime he left a tray of something to counteract the stench- I seem to remember it smelt of bubble gum, but my friend (who taught in the room next door) swears it was cloves

Here in Qatar there are coins- 50,20 and apparently 5. I rarely see any of them. Usually the price is rounded up or down to the nearest Riyal. Restaurants, shops, supermarkets...everywhere does it. Sometimes they give you chewing gum as change. Sometimes you get a coin. It seems to work out fair enough in the end. (A