
Right? The fact that farmers have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession in America isn’t a coincidence. It’s a really hard life, and it’s disrespectful to ignore that.

Go Rihanna! Break those hearts, it’s good for ‘em.

I learned more about parking law from Parking Wars than my driving test two decades ago. That show was a public service.

There’s no doubt in my mind that at least dating shows are similar to UNREAL. The stakes are so high, the alcohol flows like fucking water, there are a million stunts and field trips, the competition aspect makes the “stars” turn into ruthless animals, etc. Lord help the lawyers and compliance departments on ABC, is

Whenever discussions like this swing to reality producers, my brain immediately flips to the leads in UnREAL, and I always wonder what each of the shows in question’s producers have in common with them. Without fail.

You have to remember that actors are a desperate lot. They never think they will ever work again. So, when somebody calls and offers you a network TV show, they’re not gonna think too hard about it. Even successful actors find it very hard to pass up any work.

I’d love to know where you work, where everything and everyone passes the purity test. I’ve worked for shitty companies, I’ve worked with shitty people. I don’t agree with their shittiness, but unfortunately I can’t live on a trust fund in a purity bubble.

please do it

That scene where Emma Thompson goes to her room to compose herself is the most well-acted, heartbreaking scene in the entire movie.

My smartass Casey and sweet Abbey are joining in the play circle:)

Sometimes I fantasise about the women of the world pulling a Lysistrata 2.0. No sex for the men until ALL THE BULLSHIT ENDS, ALL OF IT. No reproductive rights or sexual health care? Better not risk getting knocked up or catching something then - no sex. No such thing as rape, just a silly woman misunderstanding a

My only hesitation over wishing the cancer be terminal is that I know that, hypothetically, there may be someone in Trump’s life who is not a total garbage person who would be saddened by his passing.

I do NOT say this lightly. And I say it as someone who has been personally impacted by the condition, both through deaths in my immediate family and a scare myself. And I’m not sure why reading this, out of everything that’s happened since January last year, has been the straw that broke my camel’s back.

I became an instant fan of Jessica Biel during her rebellion. Finding out about Collins’s crimes makes Biel’s apologies seem like an even more idiotic requirement than it already was.

The worst part isn’t the fit criticism, but the “Kate won” comment. She’s needlessly pitting women against each other.

Now playing

Be swift as the coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Yeah, my point was just that this looks more like a highschooler trying to substitute flair for personality than it does a Nazi sympathizer.

You’re entire post is “she did it too!!!” Are you fucking serious?

1/3 feminist, 1/3 traditional, and 1/3 proof that Meghan has literally entered hell.