I miss the GIF parties
I miss the GIF parties
Very excited. As an older person that has loved this site, it has taught me things that were unfortunately normal for my Gen X self, shouldn’t be normal. So, I get where you are coming from with “What do I read now”.
Perfect comeback is perfect.
Is black face all you have to apologize for on The Man Show, Jimmy? It seems like there’s a lot more material there.
Thank you! Hi! I’m really happy to be back. I’ll be here during the weekend for the foreseeable future.
I used to live in the county where the person was from and returned to and have been to the Lake before. It is a bizarre place I never wanted to return to. My almost-80-year old in-laws also live in the area. It seems like almost no one Missouri I know (and I know lots of people) has really taken this seriously thanks…
WTF is “sound bath’s”?
If you have 7 dogs in your bed, only the dogs will be getting a good rest. Any humans will be crunched up in a tiny corner barely able to shift position.
Is this where everyone is hanging out? Cool. I guess I am reading Jezebel on the regular now.
Mayor Pete was embodying every white dude in college who never stopped talking in class even though everything he said was empty yet condescending at the same time. I got flashbacks that filled me with rage.
It’s possible you’re missing the point of the pissing contest.
My favorites were the grandmas who saved people from Nazi's and fought patriarchy to get girls an education
She is such a self-righteous shit-heel. When Daniel Ortberg took over Dear Prudence, it took me a long time to even think about reading the column, because all I knew it as was “that place where Emily Yoffe calls women sluts”. She’s a complete and utter Serena Joy who is so filled with fucking malice that she’ll…
My first thought was “it’s her vagina, just say vagina.”
I see you dropped by our apartment today. So sorry we missed you! ;p
If the dog had half decent leash training and socialization and a walker with four functioning brain cells,
There’s a pretty big difference between playing an Irish woman and playing someone who is trans.... I’m too tired to explain how wrong your argument is and why, maybe someone else who speaks more eloquently than I do can explain it to you.
The closest teams to me are each at least a six hour drive. I don't think you appreciate how big our country is and how few teams there are spread out in it. I don't have enough extra money each month to buy tickets for games that I can't afford to attend, no matter how much I would enjoy them.
It would’ve been nice if they’d taken a similar tack to OITNB in which white, upper middle class Piper was the entry point but the show very quickly expanded to focus on the the narratives of a very diverse cast featuring women of nearly every race, age group, and class.