
Now you're starting to remind me of Creationists. They can't wrap their brains around evolution, so they insist that it must be questioned, that they need more "evidence" despite the mountains of crystal clear information before them.

Oh my god, you're one of those people who thinks you're SO smart for playing Devil's Advocate. Honey, good try, but this isn't your time to shine. "You guys weren't there so like...maybe you don't know what happened." WOW. Brilliant!! Never heard that one before! A child died and you have the nerve to pretend you're

Oh, I am in complete agreement with you! This song is like a dreadful watered down parody of its predecessor. The Rock Steady version was also much more flattering of her singing voice.

Ok, No Doubt already had a song called "Start the Fire" on their Rock Steady album with almost the EXACT same chorus line: "C'mon baby get the lighter/We're gonna start the fire" (vs this version's "Who got the lighter/Let's spark the fire"). Stefani even sings it with the same faux accent. Am I crazy?

Fact-checking is like is so hard though.

Either way, it needs to be in my mouth.

I know this site isn't exactly a bastion of correct spelling and grammar, but Sky Ferreira spells her name without an E. I also know that no one would've noticed except a weirdo like me.

Cameron Diaz doing her best Iggy Azalea voice was a bit awkward. Credit to the other SNL ladies for showing that white girl rapping is possible without that mess.

I spit soda all over my keyboard reading "scared cow" and imagining Taylor Swift's usual wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression.

I think that person just REALLY wanted to use that reply and couldn't wait for the right comment to post it anymore. It is very non sequitur.

If Amelia Earhart is the ONLY historical figure that you and this no-name comedienne can come up with, then y'all really just don't read enough books and there's nothing I can do for you.

I'm sad this person even got as many replies as he/she did, because the "WHO? I DUNNO HOW TO GOOGLE! WHO IS DIS??" comment is the most brain-dead, pointless, pathetic, try-hard comment in the Book of Troll Comments.

I know, men have suffered too many years of indignity! It's time for them to take a stand!! Their salaries are much lower, the history books are just FULL of female accomplishments, no one knows about Albert Einstein but everyone talks about Rosalind Franklin, and I always hear "You throw like a BOY!" shouted in a

I love the redundancy. Cool AND down-to-earth? Hot AND sexy??! Woah, slow down there, bro! You're asking for too much!

Your taste buds are dead, but that is not your fault. Sriracha has a very strong burn, so it makes sense that you don't like it if you can't taste it. Cholula tastes like a child's version of hot sauce to me. Way too salty, sugary, everything-y.

I mean, their parents practice a religion based on schizophrenic ramblings about aliens. These poor children didn't really stand a chance.

Honestly, she probably just looked at some I Love Science slideshow of "Space Photoz from the Hubble Telescope!!" and considered it equivalent to Quantum Physics.

Oh my god I NEVER EVEN NOTICED THAT. You are a perceptive genius (or I'm just an unperceptive fool...)

If we're gonna go with the "unnecessary words" defense, then ending a sentence with "so" is even more ridiculous. Cutting the "so" off the end of these sentences would make them much less clunky and keep the exact same meaning. It's fine for spoken sentences, I'll give you that.

Oh god. I want to take a shower and he's not even addressing me.