
Aww, reading is hard, I know. But I'm tired of dumbing down my writing style for people like you, so we'll have to agree to disagree!

Let's all hope they DO; otherwise, there is no acceptable excuse for slandering another group of women as "fake" just because of different appearances.

It's easier for the "Real women have curves" team to think that thin/tall/pretty women can only achieve their looks through some combination of surgery, starvation, and other harsh "fake" methods. I understand the mindset, but some day they will need to grow up and face reality.

Completely subjective useless opinion here: Gigi Hadid is GORGEOUS. Kendall is ok, but gives off gecko vibes.

That is a very worn-out defense, but ok. I personally have no desire to pander to illiterate Tumblr users when constructing my sentences.

Ugh, people, stop ending sentences with "...so." Now somehow even my own mother has caught on and I'll get emails going, "But then I ran out of milk, so." Everyone get off my lawn with your nonsensical mangling of the English language. You too, mom.

Your retort doesn't even make sense. Yeah, an armpit isn't a mons, but you're the one obsessing over how only children should be hairless. Children don't have armpit hair, so by your logic, it should look "weird" for adult women to shave their armpit hair as well.

Going off your use of the words "gals" and "shrews" and your general weirdness, I can extrapolate that you are probably going to die soon anyway. Don't let the door hit you on the way out! :)

Ah, good call. Now I'm less, "WTF Dr. Ruth, you jerk!" and more "WTF Dr. Ruth, proofread!"

I don't really understand why Dr. Ruth is shitting on Taylor Swift??

What the heck is a "fascitious"? Sounds like some kind of gangrenous infection.

The woman's mugshot is amazing. It's like Mrs. Mia Wallace, but after too many years of nose powdering.

Ah, understandable. I guess it just bothers me coming from some vapid rich person's mouth, because in their minds, all it takes to be successful is to have "positive thoughts" and TA DA everyone can be a millionaire! Never mind that they've been handed everything all their lives and never had to lift a finger to work.

YES. Every vapid idle wastrel rich person always proclaims some variation of, "Think good thoughts and good things will come to you!!" or "I fill my life with positive energy! No time for negativity!!" I'm like, yeah, easy for you to say. You don't live from day to day wondering if you're going to have enough food or

Woah, chill out.

Olympian long-distance runner Shalane Flanagan laughs at your haterading ass.

THIS. Thank you. I'm arguing with a very persistent tween downthread and I wish I were as eloquent as you!

Dude, I get that her dress is Versace. She has a relationship with the house (she's worn their stuff to multiple awards shows), and used that connection to get a custom dress. You seem to have an issue with it because - in your opinion - it's hideous and a waste of $$ and Versace talent. Alright, cool! You can make a

Oh my god, there are actually "GIVE THIS GIRL A SANDWICH" comments, and from Jez writers, no less. We have officially regressed to tabloid/Yahoo.com status.

There are a lot of designers I can think of that are much *fancier* than Versace, like any of these boring choices that US Mag wanted her to wear. But hey, people can say what they like, and I can roll my eyes at them if I like.