She probably thinks marrying “Rob, The Doctor” is her greatest accomplishment in life, which is why she can’t seem to shut up about it and is even using Dr. Brandt’s tragic death as an excuse to boast more about her husband. It’s pathetic.
She probably thinks marrying “Rob, The Doctor” is her greatest accomplishment in life, which is why she can’t seem to shut up about it and is even using Dr. Brandt’s tragic death as an excuse to boast more about her husband. It’s pathetic.
And the article was written by someone who doesn’t know the difference between “breathe” and “breath,” natch. But you, mocena, are flawless.
“Our whole purpose in life is to be sexually available to any man (preferably a non-Asian man)“
I love your username, and thank you for saying this. When she openly admitted to wanting an “Aquarius symbol” tattoo, I was done. I suppose next she’ll want a dreamcatcher? Or an infinity symbol? Or a feather! Or some other basic bitch tat...
The poor thing. Trolling you wasn’t satisfying enough, apparently. I can’t even imagine how pathetic one has to be to try SO HARD to start an internet comment war.
She’s SO IN KEY. Is it sad that I’m so pleasantly surprised by this? Watching Katy Perry, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, etc. live have really lowered my expectations for live performances.
What, you didn’t appreciate the brilliant rhyming of “bad blood” with “mad love”?
Oh it’s alright, everyone misspells names here and there. It’s not like her name hasn’t been written on every script/movie poster/press release/corner of the internet/corner of everything near his eyes if he’d just look EVER.
I also think she wanted to write "hordes" instead of "hoards" of grasshoppers, unless there was a secret, valuable cache of grasshoppers hidden in the brush. Damn my editor brain.
I have rolled my eyes at his idiotic “I hate foods that aren’t chicken fingers with ketchup” posts for FOREVER, so I read the whole thread with great satisfaction. Why am I not at all surprised that he was an East Asian studies major?
I think it's a horribly dressed Lea Michele.
50 lashes with a wet noodle! All kidding aside, now you know and can spread the knowledge! :)
My back hurts just looking at this.
NOOO, ANNA KENDRICK. You do not "pour" over books or magazines, unless you are drooling or otherwise leaking fluids from your body onto said works. The word you are looking for is "pore." I have known for a while not to expect grammatical correctness from most celebrities, but I thought you were an exception and now…
This'll sound weird, but I use A&D ointment. It comes in a tube and looks very unglamorous and it's $4 at CVS, but it has lanolin in it (the stuff they give breastfeeding moms to heal their nipples). It heals ANYTHING chapped. I have a lip-biting/picking problem and combined with Northeast winters, my lips were just…
It's the lanolin! It can heal the cracked nipples that come with breastfeeding, and does wonders for plain ol' chapped lips.
It's the lanolin! It can heal the cracked nipples that come with breastfeeding, and does wonders for plain ol'…
I very rarely laugh out loud while reading internet comments, but you, dear sir or m'am, have made me laugh out loud for five minutes! /tips hat/