No, they don't. People refer to themselves by specific regions within southern CA.
No, they don't. People refer to themselves by specific regions within southern CA.
I burst out laughing when I saw this cover. Like who the hell thought the "Sensitive Poet" look would be believable on this skeezeball?
Pretty sure casual high school dress codes have nothing to do with the corporate world. And are you assuming the mother is unemployed and looking for a "baby daddy" just based on her wearing a dress? You are not making any sense at all.
The Westboro Baptists have figured out how to comment on Jez articles!! Nooo
Your username makes me think you are....15 years old?
Good to know, as I have no prior knowledge of the German healthcare system. I left a snarky comment downthread that stupid Kinja won't let me edit (about patients in the US who are mistrustful of their doctors), so hopefully you do not take offense because it no longer applies to you. :P
That's why I'm curious! I need to know where these horrible doctors are! Sorry if my inquiry came off as creepy. I don't need exact coordinates or anything. Just general region?
Well, googling "my tummy hurts" = Harvard Medical School + 7 years of residency, didn't you know? These are the types of people who will come in with a history of 500 CTs, 300 Xrays, and innumerable unnecessary blood titers because goddamnit, the internet said they needed to get them and they aren't leaving without…
I'm curious...where do you live?
Also, dogs are fucking awesome and anyone who harbors that much hatred for them is a sociopath, plain and simple. There was some commenter on another Jez article once who wrote tons of long comments about how much she hated dogs and cats and how scornful she was of pet owners and I was just like, "Uh...are you…
Lazy. You would be more effective if you weren't just blatantly ripping off 4chan. Also, poorly-executed hyperbole is the first defense of every lazy trolling dumbass. If I used too many big words for you, don't worry about it. I'm sure you are a genius among your mouthbreathing friends!
/yawn/ I really hope you copy-pasted this mess from 4chan. Otherwise I would suggest upping your meds?
Who are you to decide which other living things "serve an actual function"? Going by that logic, I could think of a lot of human beings who should cease to breed as well. I'm also pretty sure humans are responsible for more violence and death than all the dogs in the world put together, thanks to modern weaponry. You…
Oh Land - "Wolf and I"
You are a BADASS MOFO! You woke up covered in smelly pus with a throbbing head...and you still went on to finish the procedure and calm the kid down. You are just friggin awesome. :)
You are a goddamn hero. Bless you for taking on tasks that would turn most stomachs AND helping animals in the process!
When I try to hold food in my mouth for a while without actually eating it, I start drooling. So now I'm just imagining drool running down Lena Dunham's chin while she's taking that selfie...
This is lovely but depressing!
Don't buy that plane ticket yet!
There are always a handful of Youtube commenters who write huge paragraphs analyzing all the "Illuminati" symbols in random Katy Perry videos. I guess this guy is their leader.