TL;DR you copy-pasted a more clever person's joke and got called out.
Yup, just reading this title made me hork.
"Don't get your panties in a bunch" AND a smiley emoticon? Ladies, the line forms to the left!
Alright, I adore my dog, but I am also aware that he is not a mini human, and thus will have ZERO appreciation for such frippery. The poor things are bored out of their minds on those tight leashes!
Oh gosh, I'm not implying that a BMI of 18 is gross or unhealthy. Sorry if it sounded that way. I agree that BMI is a silly metric of health - it's a mathematical formula that plugs in weight and height rather than taking muscle mass, fat distribution, and other variations into account. But just looking at her photos…
This is neither here nor there, but I feel a bit sad that this poor girl felt the need to deflate her BMI to 18 (that would require her to be rail-thin at around 120 lbs). I guess Jezebel calling her "nowhere near normal" could help boost her confidence a bit...
Lookout, it's the Reverse Racism "OMG it's so hard to be white now that not everyone loves us!" Brigade!
You're very fortunate that the worst ignorance you experienced was relatively innocuous. If you'd like, you can get a Gold Medal of Bravery for reacting reasonably to very mild things that would not have phased most people. But don't assume that everyone has grown up in the same generally accepting and progressive…
I don't think that's what the author was implying at all? She said "I'm sick of white guys with an Asian fetish trying to talk it off," not like..."I can't understand why any white man would ever be attracted to an Asian woman ever!"
Uh, when was the last time any man on Jez was insulted for his penis size? Mostly we just insult their idiocy, which should be totally valid to you unless you think penis = brain. Anyway, you're projecting!
If all it takes for you to cry "racism" is a few jokes about sandwiches and Green Day, you need to sit down.
My favorite part is all the backup dancers gettin' it effortlessly, while poor Lily Allen's leaning on that car for dear life like she's afraid to break a hip.
Not that this excuses it, but this seems to be a language barrier/translation problem (just looking at where the jeggings are being shipped from). I also have to add that in China, people tend to be way more blunt about weight. I have visited relatives and had them say in Chinese, "Wow, you look fat and healthy!…
Um, no need to apologize for the size of the photos - they are gorgeous! Pretty pretty. I love the little cone trees in the garden. They kind of remind me of gnome hats or something. Very magical-looking.
I think I remember commenting on your first post - glad you're hanging in there! Being busy at work and having a new part-time at a non-profit seem exhausting but sometimes it's nice to have a lot on your plate to take your mind off breakup thoughts. Taking time to chill out by yourself if you are too tired to go out…
I was on OkC for a while and I often felt like that too. It was almost like getting online shopping fatigue - after a while, everything looks the same and it's no longer fun and exciting! Eventually I just thew caution to the winds and messaged a bunch of people even if there were things I disliked about their…
I know you're doing your whole You People are Sheep thing, but I think you're forgetting to take context into account here. It's not like she's making some "Like if You Were Born in the 90'zz!!!" Facebook page. Iranian state television has apparently seen her as enough of a threat to start a disgusting smear campaign,…