
What an odious man. I hope every stewardess and passenger henceforth farts in his general direction wherever he flies.

When I encounter trolls of this caliber, my initial WTF reaction almost immediately turns into pity. I mean, can you imagine this person being surrounded by loving friends and family in real life?

They are the types of people who get to do ANYTHING they want. All the time. They will write long-ass paragraphs about how they are being "censored" because they can't call each other gay or n*gga and gosh it is oppressing their rights!!! Oh, the irony.

I put some thought into this and spoke with another commenter, and I realize now that I was just defensive and lashing out at people. I will repeat that I don't think I'm above anyone. I've said my share of shitty things, as you've probably already figured, and just because I've avoided saying 2 words my whole life

You keep repeating 2 things over and over: 1. I typed out a word so that OBVIOUSLY means I've said it (good effort the word search!) and 2. I'M TOTALLY LYING. Gold star, you've been promoted to assistant manager at Target. Woohoo. At the end of the day, it's the internet. I could spew all kinds of crap you don't have

You're adorable. Yes, I'm the piece of shit for never saying "f*ggot" or "n*gger" in my life. Totally gonna re-evaluate my choices now. Thanks for your help! You fought for justice today.

As I've written to another commenter, I never claimed to be perfect or that I haven't spewed any venom. I'm an asshole. I've just never used racial or homophobic slurs. I've called people ugly to their face, I used to call things "retarded," and I have insulted people's intelligence and/or jobs. Take that as you will.

Ghost of Elliot Rodger, go back to sleep. RIP.

I am a condescending asshole, and I don't know why people keep telling me this as if it's going to make me recant. The real issue here, to me, is that people keep acting like it's ok to throw slurs around in anger because "Oh everyone's done it" and that's bullshit.

As you've probably realized, people get REAAAAALLLYY defensive when they hear someone else say they have never used a slur in anger. So yeah, you're totally a liar and you're bragging, blah blah.

Well according to many of these comments, where I've been told I'm lying and I think I'm perfect or whatever, there lots of people who throw these words around and think it's ok. I AM bragging, yep! I'm bragging because there are too many people (homophobic or not) who want to excuse the use of shitty slurs because

Yeah, no (what are you, 14?). Like I said before, I really don't care if I'm coming off as a dick. Fire away. I'm not here to coddle people who've said shitty things and tell them everything's gonna be ok. That's why this crap is still so pervasive. I'm not saying, "If you've said the f-word or the n-word before,

Boo hoo. I don't give a rat's ass how arrogant and annoying I look to people who defend other idiots for using slurs.

Nice work, Sherlock! You're convinced I'm lying, which is no skin off my back. I can think of worse things to be accused of than lying about not being a stupid dick on the internet. Accuse away, my good sir. I accept the accusation with great pride.

Oooo I've been burned! I'm glad you think I apparently accomplished such an awesome, impossible task that you have to repeatedly say "Liar" like it's some magical incantation. You're still the guy who's getting mad at someone on the internet for never saying "faggot," so...sweet dreams!

That was a beautifully written explanation, and I thank you for articulating it so well for me! I was starting to get confused by all the vitriol. If saying, "I've never said these words and y'all should be ashamed of yourselves," is bragging, then I'll proudly be the braggiest braggart in Bragtown.

Well, for some people, the internet is a place to live out a fantasy life. In reality you could be some mousy friendless office drone, but among faceless commenters, you are the One-Liner Snarky Better-Than-Everyone Asshole Person!

I'm pretty sure I do understand your point, actually. Your point: me openly saying I have never and would never use shitty words is bragging, because a lot of people use racist and homophobic slurs. Right?

You're right - I absolutely cannot grasp that the fact that I've never let "faggot" cross my lips is apparently world-class arrogance and bragginess. I mean, I didn't even mention my collection of leather bound books and Cuban cigars! It's also pretty hilarious that people who use slurs are getting all hurt about

Oh, I totally understand you. I'm the biggest wuss of all time - just READING Stephen King novels or scary stories makes me afraid of the dark. The first time I read about the Slenderman online as 20-year-old I was so freaked out I was afraid to use the bathroom! Being frightened is totally understandable, but I think