Oh goodness, you are not a jerk at all, and it was a most reasonable assumption. You also wrote one of the most thoughtful replies to my post so I thank you for that.
Oh goodness, you are not a jerk at all, and it was a most reasonable assumption. You also wrote one of the most thoughtful replies to my post so I thank you for that.
Honestly, being called "arrogant" is far preferable to being called a homophobic, racist dumbass, so I will proudly wear a T shirt proclaiming I AM ARROGANT. DEAL WITH IT. Oh man, I have an extensive vocabulary and don't resort to common insults! How will I sleep at night??
Trust me, there are WAY more fun things to lie about than this. It's hilarious that people are getting this offended at my refusal to say these shitty words. Unless in my initial comment I wrote that I have the voice of Morgan Freeman, and an angel is born every time I speak.
Honestly, this whole culture of trying to shame people for being "PC" is idiotic. If I am arrogant for openly stating that I have never said "faggot" or other similar words and think people who have said them need to stop and check themselves, then I'm totally fine with it. I'll be the braggiest fucking braggart…
I do appreciate that he made a public apology acknowledging that it was not ok for him to use the word that he did, and maybe my initial post made it seem like I generally look down on people who use racist or homophobic slurs. I do think people who use those words need to acknowledge that it's shitty to use them and…
I would personally not mind if "nigger," "faggot," "retard" were never used by anyone again, because it doesn't take me that much extra effort to think of other words. It's good that you respond to your friends calling you faggot with "so what" - that's clever and hilarious. Anyway, it's difficult to understand how…
If you and that other angry dude think that not saying shitty words is "bragging and superior" rather than something as basic as brushing your teeth, then we have nothing more to discuss. I mean if I were to say, "I have never murdered another human being!" would you react by telling me I was bragging? Probably not,…
How does one get from Ooo Creepy Internet Stories to LET'S STAB THIS GIRL 19 TIMES? This is like blaming heavy metal for Columbine.
I appreciate that you understand the history of the N word, and that you took the time to write out a very thoughtful response, so I apologize for calling you an idiot. I do have to tell you that gay men and women, despite not having been enslaved, have still suffered being beaten up, killed, constantly told they…
Yep, I will not be surprised if I see a pig flying across my window. I never thought I would get a bunch of essay-long angry replies calling me arrogant for the apparent crime of declaring that I've never used racist or homophobic slurs.
I've definitely combined many innocuous words with "fuck" and "shit" to make awesome insults. Also, you're awesome. :) Thanks for giving me a laugh when too many of these comments have been giving me rage strokes.
Sweet lord, thank you! I've been called "arrogant," "you think you're superior," "you want to be worshipped" etc. and I'm just here wondering why not being a racist homophobic asshole is the equivalent of saying you wipe your ass with hundred dollar bills all of a sudden!
You are the sort of person who believes refusing to say racist and homophobic crap is something people do out of "arrogance" instead of basic human decency, so we are obviously never going to see eye to eye here. But keep fighting the good fight, or whatever.
You regularly tell people they're fat idiots, and you want to complain about people calling you a cunt and "other aspersions"?
Oh lord, I don't think I am "superior" in any way. Honestly I thought it was pretty easy to come up with any of the myriad colorful swears in the vernacular instead of this one, but I am learning from these comments that this isn't true. I grew up around people who threw around "Oh dude that's soo GAY" and "Stop being…
I'm definitely not worried about you developing carpal tunnel, but I am a bit worried about your reading comprehension. I NEVER said that I don't say stupid shit under the influence. I say plenty of stupid shit all the time! I've told people they are ugly to their face, made fun of their jobs or their significant…
"Just cause you can't marry someone who gives a fuck." I don't actually give a fuck about getting married. I'm not even gay. I just think it's ridiculous that people are getting denied basic rights because they happen to like people of the same gender. And then assholes like you want to use words like "faggot" just…
You wrote a really huge paragraph there, so I guess you're pretty touchy about this subject. I still think it's really sad that not saying "faggot" or "n*gger" comes off as some UNBELIIIEEVABLE brag to you, as if I said that I fuck supermodels or my father is the King of Spain or some shit. I am not looking to be…
If you honestly say the "F word" so often that you need to go on a huge rant about censorship, you need to read a goddamn book or something. The day the government tells you that you can't marry another fat person because you're less than human, you can whine about people not being able to say "fat."
If you literally thought a "faggit" was a pile of sticks, what on earth was the point of calling each other that? Hurr hurr John, you big ol' pile of sticks, you! I mean I called my friends morons when I wanted to insult them because at least that made sense.