
I made a similar comment and was called out for "thinking I was perfect." It is truly tragic that not using racist or homophobic slurs is apparently equivalent to being stuck up. Here I was thinking that it was part of being a normal decent human being.

Alright, now I know you're just a total idiot. Can't believe I wasted time trying to write you a thoughtful response. I bet you also wonder why there isn't a "White History Month" or why "Those derned gays flaunt their gayness in our faces!!"

Have you ever been beaten half to death while other people stood by and watched or even cheered just because of your sexual orientation or the color of your skin? You could educate yourself and look up the origins of disgusting slurs or you could just keep ignorantly telling "queer folk" that they shouldn't get

Hey, if not saying "faggot" is all it takes to make me "perfect," I guess I am! (You must have low standards for perfection.) I also already addressed that I think it's depressing that not saying shitty words is apparently bragging about how "perfect" I am.

I can't understand the "Oh it's ok, he was mad!" defense. I've gotten piss drunk, furiously angry at people, high off my tree etc. before, but have never ever even thought to use any racial or homophobic slurs. You'd sooner see me become fluent in French. It's really not that hard not to be a disgusting asshole,

Sorry hon, straight women do not see penises "sexually" as much as you'd like to think. However, there are probably quite a few gay men who'd be glad that your junk is flapping about!

And if he could spell "Tinder" properly. The only app I've found called "Tender" is for customer support software...

I totally get you. Everyone in this thread trying to compare the brain pseudoscience with the X Men is comparing apples to oranges. No one (who isn't completely deluded) actually believes it is possible to develop mutant powers from radiation or insect bites, but the "If only humans could use 100% of their brains!"

I'm a Virgo too! You've probably heard this a billion times and I know it doesn't make it sting any less, but you sound awesome and he was really fortunate to have gotten a chance at experiencing happiness and acceptance with you, even though he was too afraid to really let himself enjoy it. Given what he'd been

You actually seem to be thinking through this super calmly and logically, so I give you major props. I was hoping your family and the question about the counselor wouldn't get you down, but yeah you seem to be just fine. From my limited knowledge of the situation, he seems like one of those men that you can't help no

If he is like most men I know, he will get over it in a few hours or a day at most. As long as you apologize and tell him you meant well and give him a little time to lick his wounds, it'll be ok :)

This sounds like it came out of the blue and I'm really sorry. I know it sounds tough, but DON'T blame yourself for things not working out! Easier said than done - when relationships end I always go through them in my head from beginning to end wondering what I could have done differently. But really most of the time

Honestly, even if you lived in a cardboard box, you'd still be a million times richer than this troll who apparently thinks being "single and overweight" is a grave insult. And on that note, I'm also sure most single and overweight people are probably much happier and more loved than some weirdo who deliberately goes

The wife and kids crap doesn't even make sense. By your logic, people who don't have families should not be mourned when they die as well? Your bizarre I HATEZ ANIMALZ flouncing just makes you look pathetic. Some people take pride in the most bizarre things.

I apologize. I have nothing against your choice to be alone and it's good that you have a community to be a part of. I lashed out last night and feel very foolish right now. I did read Rodger's entire manifesto and I felt for him - rejected and bullied by classmates and others in his life at every turn. It's tragic

Yeah, someday you too will dream about killing your own siblings, "wizzies"!! On what planet is murdering a bunch of innocent people and then shooting yourself in the head like a little spineless chickenshit "good work"? Fuck, I hate the internet.

I think the veil is a bit much. She looks like she's wearing a giant mosquito net. Maybe it's prettier from the front?

Why does James Franco's pillow look so dirty? Looks as though he's getting curl gel or something all over it. He used to make me swoon, but now I just feel secondhand embarrassed and squicked out.

She should have sprayed him with cold water, as she would a puppy humping her leg.

Upper middle class is plenty rich enough for most people.