Most of the rich and successful did indeed go to school and work hard (their children riding on their coattails though? Another story...haha)
Most of the rich and successful did indeed go to school and work hard (their children riding on their coattails though? Another story...haha)
It's a recall bias situation - people experiencing the adverse effects are more likely to link it to a med or anything taken before the adverse effect occurred, even if there's really no association between the two and it was just random chance.
Marc Jacobs is pervert and mind controller!!! He is responsible for this whole show!!
H&M! 5'3'', 107 and the size 2s there fit perfectly (length and width-wise) and are sometimes too tight.
Whenever I see a moron commenting on Jez, I look at the comment history to figure out True Moron vs. Troll. It doesn't take long to deduce most of the time. I think this guy is just hungry, and the low blood sugar is impairing some already-impaired brain activity.
This is amazing. I'm imagining dudes with thick-rimmed glasses rolling their eyes while they unzip their hoodies/unbutton their flannel shirts/squeeeeze out of their skinny jeans while Chvrches or something plays in the background.
Some people are just slow and there is nothing we can do for them.
Because he required her to make him a certain number of sandwiches before he put the ring on it.
If all you're looking for in a wife is her ability to make sandwiches, then...more power to you I suppose.
I know right? Beheaded corpses in the streets, family members being kidnapped and tortured, eh, whatever. But omg, people in the US can't make froofy cocktails?! SUMMON THE SWAT TEAM!
This same writer was also responsible for writing "President Woodrow." Kids these days. Anyway, there's a huge chunk of the story missing. Did the doctors see her with her skin peeling off and just send her home with no treatment? I highly doubt it. And a staph infection is a pretty common complication with SJS that…
It's pretty standard to ask everything about a patient's background - employment and even housing situation included - because it can be relevant to the diagnosis.
It's the equivalent of Amal Alamuddin saying she became a barrister because she likes briefcases.
If being a "poop fetishist" was the only thing motivating this guy to get through the 11+ years of post-grad and medical education/training/slavery it takes to become a gastroenterologist, then he is one damn determined fetishist and I am impressed.
I will give Miley credit for possibly taking her detractors' suggestions and actually brushing her tongue. It looks a lot cleaner and healthier than usual! (I'm trying.)
It looks like a slightly exaggerated version of a med student or surgical intern's apartment. When you're doing night call and working 17 hour days, you lose your mind a little and your apartment will look like a tornado blew through it until your day off when you finally have time to clean. It is a pretty shameful…
No one is calling for this fashion model and her photographer to be executed or anything like that. I'm not sure how you're equating criticism of a silly magazine editorial on a blog with human rights violations. All the comments here are saying, "This is stupid. They should know better," not "KILL THE BLASPHEMERS!!"
I can't even understand this person's initial response to me (maybe ESL?), so props to you for making sense of it and writing a nice reply.
I think you misunderstand that practicing a religion and dressing up in religious clothing for fun are two different things. I also don't think "stealing" is the right word to use to describe Buddhist worshippers who aren't from its place of origin...