
This artist is the equivalent of a little child who throws his meal on the ground and excitedly looks around for an adult to take notice and yell at him.

PSA: you're "conversing" with a bored troll, haha.

Yes, thank you for saying this! There's nothing that makes my eyes roll back in my head further than some privileged ass throwing out sweeping, judgey generalizations. Being naive and ignorant is fine, but the "wellll most families I know" judgey shit drives me up the wall. Your dad never had a drink in his life? Your

I feel like she practiced this look in the mirror in preparation for wearing this dress. She's telling herself, "Ok, think ETHEREAL. Think FLOATING ON SEAFOAM! Keep the eyes DREAMY!"

Yeah, if I had a ton of $$$ and was under constant public scrutiny to look hot, you can bet I'd be getting work done!

Sometimes I think people who get a ton of plastic surgery have a dysmorphic view of their own appearances post-op. It might be similar to when a person first discovers makeup - a subtle daub here and there is not enough. They go out with their faces caked in it for a good while. When people first start getting plastic


Oof, I definitely do feel silly now, and mostly because I had no idea one could make a job title out of telling basic people how to arrange overpriced vintage furniture and balls of twine in colored mason jars.

Red bean pastries are a delicious gift from the heavens. Most people who dislike them are expecting sugary fatty buttery death or chocolate when they bite into them, and are sorely disappointed. (I enjoy sugary fatty buttery death and chocolate too, just to put it out there.)

I need more practice in troll-speak :( She also had the gall to allow her image to be "heavily air brushed" on the cover of a magazine she likely had no control over.

Sometimes I wonder if people can star their own comments multiple times, because I'll see more than 0 stars on non-sequitur crap like this one and it confuses me.


omg, ewww sex is gross!! mommy!!

Haha, I couldn't come up with a username and finally settled on this one (was reading a textbook and procrastinating on this site). I think it's one of the nicer-sounding drug names.

Well, that's a classic straw man argument right there, but I wasn't expecting much more from you. Nobody's saying she cannot be criticized, but your repetitive "I bet she doesn't eat, hurr hurr," jab is more unintelligent and lazy than most.

Eh, ribs show for many reasons on women. Often it's lack of muscle, which is the case for me personally. Sexy image, I know, haha.

Hahaha just wrote a similar comment about this. Editing, people!

"Bearing"? I think you mean "baring." As in, uncovering a part of the body. I read this headline and thought it was about a mannequin holding a plate of BBQ ribs and wondered what the fuss was all about.

Honestly, if you think this woman with her shiny hair and bright eyes and lack of lanugo is starving herself, you must never have actually encountered real anorexics. She's also had twins, so she's definitely not amenorrheic (that's probably a big word for an armchair diagnostician like yourself, so don't worry about

My first thought in regards to this story is that Beyonce and Jay - Z are usually so protective of their public image, and are probably all, "God, we can't take you ANYWHERE, can we?!" right now.