
I'm just gonna be honest and say that I really don't concern myself with the lives of idiots that crawl out of the dark holes of the internet. They can crash their cars into trees or become the future president for all I care.

Now, now. Fools have a place in the world too! Don't fret. We would all get so complacent without realizing that there are ignorant people who need to be schooled in our midst. You do have a purpose after all.

Trolls are fascinating. I mean, this "Bobby" man or woman woke up one day and was like, "Hm...my life would be complete if I could just get a bunch of people online to think I was a complete idiot. And maybe yell at me too!" Does he/she jerk off to all the replies or something? I am fascinated but I can't even begin

Going by your lack of command of even the most basic spelling and grammar, I'm going to guess that you're some gross dumb teenager. You could be an undereducated college kid too, I guess. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that miniskirts (which is what this woman is wearing, because you seem slow) didn't come into play

Ah, good point. I didn't think of it that way. Whether I'm trying to calmly reason with her, or getting upset and crying, or getting really angry and yelling, I'm still giving her the attention she wants.

Probably both. It's only when she notices that I'm developing strong feelings for a person other than herself (weird and kinda creepy, I know) that she freaks and busts out with the melodrama. Her "He is ugly and poor" missives are also peppered with "You are abandoning your family" and "How could you do this to your

My mother has always been a run-of-the-mill naggy parent about most things in my life, nothing impossible to deal with. However, she gets Defcon level crazy about whomever I'm dating.